But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
You will never understand and discover your position and placement in Christ until you sit down to study on your own.
Majority of Christians move by heresy and cling to things that majority believes are true which in the long run are just fallacies and falsifications.
Any Christian who is never ready to study on His own should sit down and shut his/her mouth. He/she shouldn’t talk at all when men who are daily devouring the scriptures are talking.
I always say this and I repeat, Any man or woman who refuses to study on his/her own will be left at the zero street with daily guessing and assumptions. This is very pathetic.
Hmm, Now why the theme, do you know this? there are many verses in the Bible that religious men have twisted to suit their doctrines and messages. This is what this teaching is meant to unveil.
Now look at our opening text,
But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.Isa 40:31
This is a nice scripture which point directly to the finishes works of Christ! But religion has turn it to suit their doctrine of camping people in some solitary place with the aim of seeking the face of God. And you will hear them quoting this verse to butteries their point and belief which is “out of coverage area. ” This scripture wasn’t talking about fasting neither hiding yourself in your room or closet with the aim of seeking the face of God. Ha!
Someone is asking, then Minister Coleman what was it talking about? Let me tell you this, until you see the Finishes works of Christ in every verse that you will come across in the Bible, you are yet to study. Isaiah made it clear” BUT THEY THAT WAIT UPON THE LORD”. This is a good news and a powerful verse.
Prophet Isaiah was talking about humanity resting in the finishes work of Christ here. He Is talking about you and I depending on God and not on our own strength and the little knowledge we have acquired from school. He is talking about believing and trusting Jesus that indeed He alone can save you and indeed He alone has saved you! This is amazing.
But look at how religion has twisted this verse. Hey! It time you take away those religious spectacles and put on Grace spectacles when studying the scriptures, Else you will daily have wrong equations which will result in producing wrong answers for people to assimilate as a minister of God.
Do you know this? Let’s delve deeper tomorrow .
Further reading
Zachariah 4:6
I live and move in the strength of God not of my own. Amen