Tragedy Strikes: 9 Children Drown and 3 Survived after a Boat Capsizes at Faanaa, Greater Accra


A devastating event occurred on Wednesday, May 10th, 2023, which led to the death of nine children after a boat capsized at Faanaa, Greater Accra.

As some students closed from school, they had taken a boat to convey them back home. A total of twelve people were on the boat, including the boat operator.

Boat Capsizes:

The riverboat they took for passage was hit by tidal waves and flipped over. Three people managed to escape via swimming, while nine children lost their lives. One young child had initially gone missing, and the search parties found his remains during search operations on Thursday morning.


The victims were pupils from two private schools, Services Awareness Academy and Redeemer Academy. They were aged between two years and ten years, comprising seven girls and two boys.

Teacher’s Demise:

In a related development, a 29-year-old teacher, Mr. Sampson Adu, from Chinekope M/A Primary School in the Krachi West Municipality, also met his untimely death when the boat he was traveling on capsized. He has since been buried in his hometown in the Eastern Region.

The Ghana Education Service (GES) Statement:

The Ghana Education Service has received the news with shock and expressed its deepest condolences to the bereaved families. In a statement, the GES assured them that their hearts and prayers are with them during these trying moments.

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