Superglue Shortage as Youth Now Mixes it with Energy Drinks


A new and dangerous trend is currently sweeping through Techiman’s Bono East Regional capital, as many youth in the area are now inhaling superglue as a narcotic.

According to reports, suspected drug addicts are behind the shortage of superglue in the town, leading to shops selling out of the popular adhesive product.

Concerned shop owners explained that the drug addicts would light the glue on fire, cover it with a cloth and inhale the vapour. The heightened demand for the product, which is being used for such dangerous purposes, has reportedly caused a significant shortage in the area.

Shockingly, some addicts are said to be mixing superglue with energy drinks to achieve a high. Shop owners have observed an increased demand for energy drinks in their shops and stated that they had no idea why young people were buying so much of both products. It’s unclear how the mixture of superglue with energy drinks enhances their pleasure or intensifies the high.

The revelation of the dangerous trend has alarmed members of the community, with many now calling for immediate action to tackle the issue. The concern is that this destructive behaviour could lead to the loss of young lives in the Techiman community.

The fact that some addicts will go to such extreme lengths to get high is worrying, while others see it as a chance to experiment with a new, potentially lethal idea. The lack of awareness and education in the area about the dangers of drug addiction is a growing concern. It’s a cause for concern for communities, government bodies, and a continued leech in progress for Ghana.

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