Special Notice From Students Loan Trust Fund To Teacher Trainees


The Students Loan Trust Fund, SLTF, has tasked all the Allowance Liaison Officers at the Various Colleges of Education to as a matter of urgency provide them with an updated list of their registered students for the 2022/2023 academic year.

That is, for improved service and effective data management, all the officers are to upload all duly registered Students of their college unto the Trust Fund system by the end of Friday, March 31, 2023.

Message from the SLTF to our News Team

Given this, level 200 and 300 students are to see their allowance coordinators and sign a sheet they have been issued with as an indication that they are duly registered Students.

Read also: Here Is What To Do If You Have Not Received Your Allowance.

Failure to sign and adhere to the directive as a student means one’s exemption from receiving an allowance for the 2022/2023 academic year.

Though level 200 students are currently at home, they are to find ways and means to get in touch with their coordinators to carry out the exercise.

Check Out: 2023/2024 Academic Calendar for Colleges of Education Affiliated to the University of Cape Coast, UCC

Level 100 Students

First Year Students in the 46 public colleges of Education are also urged to make available all the necessary particulars for their allowance Processing as they would be collected by their coordinators soon.

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