Native Doctor Kills Pastor After Failed Power Request, Body Parts Used for Rituals


A shocking and saddening event has occurred in the Ogun State, Nigeria, where a native doctor has killed a pastor in cold blood.

The pastor had reportedly sought the help of this native doctor to acquire powers to grow his church, but things took an unexpected turn.

According to the native doctor, he also needed human body parts for rituals, so he killed the pastor and used his body parts in the process.

The story has broken the internet with many people, including church members and non-members alike, expressing disappointment and disbelief at the gruesome act.

Listeners of Daybreak News, who covered the story, shared how sad and worried they were after hearing the details of the incident.

Some expressed concern that people, especially those in desperate situations, could be vulnerable to seeking help from native doctors, thereby putting their lives in grave danger.

As the investigation continues, people are urged to seek guidance and help from genuine sources and not to fall into the deceitful hands of those who might lead them to their death.

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