As part of climaxing the Three Days Revival by the Chaplaincy, Komenda College of Education on 16th January 2022 held a community church service.
This has been part of the College over the years and it’s held at the beginning of the semester as well as the end of it.
The community church service is made up of The Management, Teaching and Non-teaching staff with their families, Students and other people from the community.
The Special invited Minister-Reverend Ebenezer Kwabena Aidoo who is the Headmaster for Mfantsepim school spoke on the theme” THE WORKINGS OF GOD”.
In his Ministration, he urged the congregation to look for Jesus because there’s Life after Death.
He also admonished the congregation to play their part in steering the affairs of the College, the community and the Nation as a whole.
Elaborating on the anchor text which was John 2: 1-11. He said Jesus Christ was able to miraculously change the water to wine at the Marriage feast because the people present performed their duties and played their parts. Mary(The mother of Jesus) told Jesus about the situation(shortage of wine).
The servant at the event also performed their duties by obeying the instructions of Mary and filling the empty pots with water.
Lastly, The master of the ceremony also tasted the wine and gave his recommendations.
All these sounds to reasoning that no one person can do it alone and everyone surely has his/her part to play in the successfulness of any event and activities under the sun
In His Announcement, The Principal of the College- Very Reverend Dr. Kwesi Nkum Wilson inspired the students and the congregation by saying “God has not brought them this far to disgrace them so they shouldn’t give up no matter the toughness of the journey.
He also thank Reverend Ebenezer Kobina Aidoo for the timely Word
“I am much aware things are hard and some of you are finding it very difficult in paying your fees, do not give up, just trust in the Gracious God who has graciously brought you this far for He will surely make a way”, he added
The College Chaplain-Reverend Wilson Kortey Kotei who moderated the programme was very grateful to Reverend Ebenezer Kobina Aidoo for honoring their invitation. He also thank the Management and the entire community for attending the programme and making it a success.
Thanks sir, u are doing a great job