Shama District Health Directorate Organizes Community Forum on the Dangers of Using Herbs During Pregnancy

The Queen Mother of Nyankrom, Nana Akosua Gyamfiaba II, and The District Health Director, Mrs. Judith Naa Deide Okine Elaborating on the dangers associated with using Herbs during and after pregnancy at the Forum
The Queen Mother of Nyankrom, Nana Akosua Gyamfiaba II, and The Shama District Health Director, Mrs. Judith Naa Deide Okine Elaborating on the dangers associated with using Herbs during and after pregnancy at the Forum

The Shama District Health Directorate has organized a community forum on the dangers of using herbs during pregnancy for women in the Supomu Dunkwa Community, as part of its Maternal and child health week celebrations

The event held on Thursday, 11th May 2023 featured several stakeholders, including herbalists, traditional birth attendants (TBAs), Queen mothers, assembly members, community members, teachers, religious leaders, midwives, nurses, and other health service providers.

The forum was primarily aimed to educate the women in the Supomu Dunkwa community on the risks associated with using herbal remedies during pregnancy and after delivery.

The District Health Director, Mrs. Judith Naa Deide Okine, initiated the program by asking the herbalists, traditional birth attendants (TBA), and other community members to bring some of the herbs they use during pregnancy from the bushes around.

They were then asked to share their experiences with the use of herbs to arrest hemorrhage. The TBAs presented their experiences with the use of herbs, explaining how they believed it works.

This was an opportunity to explore the traditional beliefs surrounding the use of herbs and the reasoning behind their use.

However, after listening to all the submissions from the herbalists, Mrs. Judith Naa Deide Okine, together with her midwives and other health service providers, took turns to educate all the participants on the negative effect of these herbs.

They cleared misconceptions about these herbs, and the dangers associated with them, and emphasized the need to report early to the Antenatal Clinic (ANC).

They shared presentations on the adverse effects of herbs and other concoctions used for cord dressing at home, emphasizing the importance of using chlorhexidine.

The health providers demonstrated the use of chlorhexidine to emphasize the need for proper hygiene during the postpartum period. This demonstration reinforced the importance of seeking medical attention and proper treatment in cases of complications.

The Queen Mother of Nyankrom, Nana Akosua Gyamfiaba II, also graced the program. During her delivery, she accentuated the need for skilled and safe delivery and the importance of having an emergency transport system for maternal cases at the community level.

Her speech was a reminder of the need for proper healthcare infrastructure to ensure safe deliveries and prevent maternal mortality in the community and the nation at large.

The event brought together various stakeholders and led to a comprehensive discussion on the dangers of using homemade remedies for medical conditions.

The forum also provided an opportunity to emphasize the importance of seeking professional medical attention during pregnancy and after delivery.

It is hoped that this educational event will result in behavioral changes, better health-seeking behaviors, and improved healthcare outcomes for mothers and their babies in the community.

Watch Snippets of the Forum below;

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