Best Midwife in Western Region Awarded to Ms. Grace Constance Dawson

Ms. Grace Constance Dawson, the Best Midwife in the Western Region from the Abuesi CHPS -Shama District
Ms. Grace Constance Dawson, the Best Midwife in the Western Region from the Abuesi CHPS -Shama District

Ms. Grace Constance Dawson from the Abuesi CHPS-Shama District has been named as the best midwife in the Western Region during the National Midwives Conference held at the UCC Medical School Conference Center on May 6th, 2023.

Her dedication to providing quality midwifery services in the Shama District has been recognized and celebrated, making her an inspiration to many midwives and health workers in the region and beyond.

Ms. Dawson’s journey started when she was reposted to the Shama District from the Wassa East District as a Midwifery Officer.

Her passion for community work led her to request to be stationed at Abuesi CHPS instead of the Inchaban Health Center where she was initially posted.

Being the only midwife there, she faced significant challenges in providing effective services to the community.

She, however, went above and beyond to establish a maternity unit at the CHPS Compound, making it possible for pregnant women in the community to receive quality care.

Her dedication to serving the community was unmatched as she not only provided midwifery services but also engaged in domiciliary midwifery, visiting homes to provide care, and collaborating effectively with Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) to reduce home delivery in the area.

At the district level, she worked collaboratively with the District Director of Health Services (DDHS) and her team to attract international partners to establish a diagnostic center in the district.

Ms. Dawson was also an active participant in commemorating various health week celebrations in the district, and notable among them was the breast cancer week celebration.

She contributed financially, in collaboration with other team members, to pay medical bills for patients who needed further management, making healthcare accessible to all.

Her selflessness and commitment to providing quality health care services earned her recognition as one of the best midwives in the country.

The Shama District Health Directorate presented her with a double-decker fridge, a tablet, and two citations, acknowledging her hard work and perseverance in ensuring quality healthcare services in the community.

It is without an iota of doubt Ms. Grace Constance Dawson is an excellent example of how selflessness and love for community work can lead to recognition and success.

Her dedication to improving maternal and child health outcomes in the Shama District is commendable, and her efforts serve as a source of inspiration to many health workers in the district and beyond.

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