Wiawso SRC President Petitions Stakeholders Over Suspension for Conflict of Interest And Not Misconduct

Following his suspension from his position as the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) President of Wiawso College of Education, Mr. Owell Mintah has issued a petition to stakeholders of the College, disputing the allegations that led to his removal.
Following his suspension from his position as the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) President of Wiawso College of Education, Mr. Owell Mintah has issued a petition to stakeholders of the College, disputing the allegations that led to his removal.

The President of the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) of Wiawso College of Education, Mr. Owell Mintah, has filed a petition with stakeholders and the student body following his recent suspension.

The suspension was reportedly due to allegations of neglecting duties and breaching trust, as stated in the student handbook.

Mr. Mintah has insisted in a letter released to stakeholders and student body of the college that the charges against him are untrue and believes his suspension is a result of a conflict of interest by the College Principal.

SEE ALSO: Wiawso College SRC President Suspended for Misconduct

He cited specific articles in the SRC Constitution that outline the duties and responsibilities of the President, and questioned the fairness of the decision to suspend him.

“I am writing officially to the general student populace to notify you all about the raised allegation against the high office of the general student body by the college principal Dr. Emmanuel Carsamer as a result of his personal conflict of interest which is an offence against the SRC, stated clearly in the SRC Constitution in article 7 section (a),” the statement reads.

In his petition, Mr. Mintah called on the stakeholders to intervene in the matter and uphold the principles outlined in the SRC Constitution.

He also emphasized the importance of due process and fairness in addressing allegations against student leaders.

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Read the Full Petition by The President Below;


I have received a suspension letter from the office of the College principal to my respective office as SRC President dated 24th September, 2024 of which I am writing officially to the general student populace to notify you all about the raised allegation against the high office of the general student body by the college principal Dr. Emmanuel Carsamer as a result of his personal conflict of interest which is an offence against the SRC  stated clearly in the SRC Constitution in article 7 section (a), The president shall be the chief spokesperson of all students in all matters coming under his/her jurisdiction.

Articles 7 section (b) The President shall preside over meetings of the general students “body (forum), the General Assembly and the Executive council,

Article 7 (j). The president shall be one of the principal signatories to the SRC account, a

Article 7 (m), The president shall be an automatic representative of the student body on the college council

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Article 10 section

 (2a), Impeachment

a. any student or group of students may, by notice in writing addressed to the chairperson of the Judicial council, commence impeachment proceedings against an executive provided that the officer shall be served by the student(s) in question, with a copy of the notice three(3) clear days before the start of the proceedings.

Article 10 section (2c), The decision of the Judicial council shall be by simple majority and shall be communicated to the general Assembly in an Emergency General Assembly meeting called by the Judicial council Chairman through the SRC General secretary for that purpose within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of the decision of the verdict. The Judicial council chairperson shall chair such meeting of the general Assembly

 Article 10 Section (2d) The General Assembly shall then debate and thereafter vote on the issue.

 Article 10 Section (2e). For impeachment purpose, the votes of at least two – thirds 2/3 of the general Assembly shall be required to impeach an executive Officer of the SRC.

Articles 10 section (3a) Vote of No confidence

Without prejudice to any provision in this constitution, an executive Officer(s) shall be removed from office on the passing of a vote of no confidence by least two thirds 2/3 of members of General Assembly during an extraordinary emergency meeting which shall be summoned by the Chairperson of the judicial council

I further write to your notice as SRC president with our respective voting right of electing the high office of the student body and by your authority as general student populace, I understand the importance of communication and transparency within the student representative council (SRC) and I will continue to defend the welfare and the wellbeing of the general student body as a leader.

Unfortunately, due to my recent health condition and medical challenges that am facing led to my absence on campus for medical treatment and medication. I value my role as SRC president and I am dedicated to serve the student body.

Dear student body, humbly be informed that the rumor about this received letter from the College Principal to the office of the SRC president has no doubt.

I thank you very much for your support, kindness and your prayers in all these my unforeseen circumstances.

Alleged List of Offenses By Dr. Emmanuel Carsamer , the Principal Of Wiawso College Of Education Against The General Student Body Of Watico – Mr. Owell Mintah Reveals

In the letter addressed to the stakeholders, the suspended Mr. Owell Mintah also raised allegations against the College Principal.

Mr. Mintah claimed that there are issues affecting the student body and the general college community that need to be addressed, and he believes that his suspension may be a result of his advocacy for these matters.

The alleged offences revealed by Mr. Mintah in his letter were;

Breaching of wifi agreement terms of the general student body through the SRC

  • Dr, Emmanuel Carsamer avoided the entire SRC and The SRC president being the Chief spoke person of the general student body as stated in Article 7 (a) in the SRC constitution and represent the SRC in any court in which proceeding against or on behalf of the SRC are heard stated in article 7(i) in the SRC constitution from getting access to the wifi construct documents and signings which is an offense against the general student body and the SRC constitution.  
  • Dr, Emmanuel Carsamer has suspended the current SRC president stating in his own authority as a results of his personal conflict of interest against the SRC President H.E Owell Mintah from his high office as SRC president being elected into power by the general student body without following the SRC constitution as result his personal conflict of interest.
  • Dr. Emmanuel Carsamer has been abusing the right of the student body and creating  fears in some student individuals and some student leaders who intend to speak against his interest on behalf of the student body and tormenting student individuals or  group who stands against his interests and their rights.   
  • Dr. Emmanuel Carsamer in his authority demanded a construct awarding of dinner(buffet) from the SRC during the SRC week celebration 2024 to be prepared in a recent opened cafeteria on Watico campus which he claims not being the owner of the cafeteria, which   the SRC couldn’t  reach an agreement of his demand, therefore as result of his personal conflict of interest has suspended the SRC president in power H.E. Owell  Mintah from his  high office as SRC President being the head of the SRC without following the SRC constitution.
  • Dr. Emmanuel Carsamer has unlawfully been insulting parents of the general student body and student as well using abusive words on students even at a general student forum which is against the 1992 constitution of Ghana.
  • As it stands now, under the leadership of Dr. Emmanuel Carsamer as a principal of Wiawso college of education current National service personnel whom we calle them our level 500 from Wiawso college of education has not be able to graduate due to inaccurate examination  results and transcripts, henceforth current level 400 in school are about to complete school possibly latest by Friday 11 october,2024 without accurate examination results.

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  • Dr. Emmanuel Carsamer in his authority as Principal unfairly collect students leaders who stands against his interest and unfair treatments on the students body’s  project works and  student individual who speaks for their rights project works and supervise by himself as he being the college principal and treat them unfairly under his supervision as a project work supervisor and grade them badly.
  • Dr. Emmanuel Carsamer has caused financial infractions against the Student Representative Council (SRC) claiming initially that he has paid GHs50,000.00(fifty Thousand Ghana cedis) to a constructor for the installation of student wifi on campus and on Saturday 5th October, 2024 he  made mention of a payment GHs 83,000.00 (Eighty – three thousand Ghana cedis) at an open forum held on that  Saturday between collage management and students where the current SRC claims they are not aware of the money payment and transactions said by the Principal which is against SRC Constitution stated in article 7 section (j)  The president shall be one of the principal signatories to the SRC account in administrative function of SRC.

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  • Dr. Emmanuel Carsamer has Breached procurement infractions by awarding a wifi contract in the name of the SRC which he claims he is chief spending officer in the college before starting a tender opening and process where he still failed to fulfill his agreement with the SRC which is against the procurement act and the 1992 constitution of Ghana.

Below are the letters from the SRC President;


The College administration has yet to respond to Mr. Mintah’s petition, but students await further developments in the controversy surrounding the SRC President’s suspension.

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