Update On The Students Loan Trust Fund Disbursement To Teacher Trainees


According to reports, the Management of the Students Loan Trust Fund is in the final stages of making disbursements to teacher trainees for the 2022/2023 academic year.

Additional information that we have received reveals that this disbursement is a ‘two-month arrears’, which will come as a much-needed relief to many teacher trainees.

However, it’s important to note that this amount may not come with the feeding component that’s usually given to the various colleges.

Though this may cause some initial concern, trainees are urged to budget accordingly and make the necessary provisions to cater for their basic needs in case PRINCOF decides to halt feeding when the disbursement is made to them.

It’s also worth mentioning that individuals with issues regarding their allowance payments should see their liaison officers for the necessary assistance or corrections, to ensure a smooth and seamless disbursement process.

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