As we have been actively following up on the payment of teacher trainee allowances, we are pleased to provide you with an update.
In our recent conversation with a management member of the Students Loan Trust Fund (SLTF), we can confidently say that things are in place for the disbursement of trainees’ allowances this week.
According to the management member, all the monies have been allocated and waiting to be disbursed. However, a few colleges are yet to submit their updated lists, which is essential for the payment to be processed.
Nonetheless, the management member has assured the trainees of receiving their stipends this week if all the lists are intact.
We, therefore, urge the trainees to keep their cards ready, and their fingers crossed as we eagerly await the Stipends to be disbursed.
As we aim to keep you updated with all the trendings in colleges of Education, we encourage you to follow our page and bookmark our website.
We will keep updating you on any slight change or development concerning the disbursement of the trainee allowances.
Some of us since levels l00we not received anything yet,if you ask why or if you call them they will always tell you your dealing have not summit to on the other hand they will tell you they and even show you Thier evidence so now the question is why if you can’t pay tell us not to pay some and leave some