TTAG To Ensure Students In Colleges Of Education Receive Their Results


Students in colleges of education are no longer having access to their end-of-the-semester results for over a year now.

The reason and rationale behind the disproportionate delay in the release of the students’ results by the Mentoring Universities are yet to be made known to students and the colleges.

For instance, level 100 students have completed their 2021/2022 academic year without catching a glimpse of their results.

This has left many complaining as some are striving for their results to seek sponsorships and assistance to pay for their next level’s fees. All efforts to get these results proved a fiasco.

Given this, the leadership of the Teacher Trainees Association of Ghana, TTAG has issued a communique admonishing trainees to keep calm as the issue has reached them and they would engage the necessary stakeholders to ensure their results are released soon.

The letter released on 24th October 2022, signed by the President, Jonathan Dzunu, and the General Secretary, Musah Sumaila reads;

“The leadership of the Teacher Trainees’ Association of Ghana (TTAG) has taken due cognizance of the grave concerns shared by some Colleges of Education over an undue delay in the release of examination results to trainees for some past semesters.

We would first of all want to bring to bear that the leadership has already taken immediate steps to engage all stakeholders involved including the mentoring universities to resolve this issue.

Forthwith, we entreat all student teachers of the affected colleges to exercise some forbearance as we work out all means possible to get this issue resolved as soon as possible.

We count on your maximum cooperation. Thank you.”

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