TTAG Addresses Teaching Practicum and Project Work Fees for Level 400 Trainees

The TTAG National President, Jephthah Nana Kwame, and the Association's Logo
The TTAG National President, Jephthah Nana Kwame, and the Association's Logo

The Teacher Trainee’s Association of Ghana (TTAG), has expressed concern over the exorbitant charges levied on level 400 trainee teachers by mentoring universities for first-semester examination fees, which include teaching practicum, project work, and related matters.

According to the association, the high fees are causing financial hardship for many trainee teachers who often struggle to make ends meet during their training.

Furthermore, the association has identified the challenge of accessing end-of-semester examination results. This is a significant issue as it affects trainees’ academic progress and to what degree they are meeting the required standards for graduation.

TTAG stated they are actively engaging stakeholders to understand the root-semester issues and determine how best to address them.

The trainees have placed their confidence and trust in the association, and TTAG aims to serve them diligently.

See also: Meet Jephthah Nana Kwame, The Newly Elected TTAG President, His Policies & Appreciation Message

The administration, led by Jephthah Nana Kwame, is fully committed to championing the cause of teacher trainees in the Colleges of Education in Ghana.

They seek to provide a solution to ensure that examination fees are fair and affordable and that trainees receive timely and accurate academic results.

They, therefore, call on all relevant parties to work together to resolve these challenges and create a better learning environment for Ghana’s next generation of teachers.

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My Administration Will Eradicate Discomfort and Anxiety - TTAG WEC Sector President to Teacher Trainees - Coleman Publications
1 year ago

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