For some time now, it has become the culture of Komenda College of Education to hold students’-staff consultative meetings.
The meeting comes off once in every semester.
At such meetings, students express their concerns and the staff react by either confirming, denying or explaining the issues raised.
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10th May, 2022 marked another students’-staff consultative meeting. It took place in the College complex hall and it started at exactly 4pm.
As usual, it was chaired by the SRC President(O.P), Mr. Magnus Edward Awortwe.
Among the staff who were present were The Principal, Very Rev. Dr. Nkum Wilson, The Acting Vice Principal, Mr. Theophlius Kweku Bassaw, Deans, HODs and Teaching and non-teaching Staff Members.
Immediately after the opening prayer by the Chaplain Prefect, Gideon Otumanyi Amoah, the Chairman, gave his response and the Principal gave an opening address.
One of the insightful statements he made in his address was the fact that the college as part of its preparations towards their 75th Anniversary Celebration is going to put up a cafeteria.
He also added that, plans are advanced in putting up an ‘Assai Mall’. He expressed the hope that, upcoming Students’ Representative Council(SRC) will buy into the idea and makes it a reality soon.
He, as usual, touched on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion issues by admonishing the learners to stick to their goals and visions and desist from any form of sexual immorality.
After his address, the forum was open for the students to express their concerns which were mostly questions, suggestions and appeals.
The Deputy Dean of Students’ Affairs, Mr. Uriel Amoah, who moderated the programme systematically invited students to express their concerns.
Most of the complains of the students boarded on feeding, social lives, academics, and some inconveniences some students face during the Supported Teaching in Schools programs.
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Respective staff members took turns to address the concerns of the students.
Amidst answers, promises and clarifications, Respective staff members took turns to react to the concerns expressed by the students.
The meeting ended at 6:15pm when all issues raised by students had been adequately addressed.
Many of the students expressed their satisfaction for having an avenue to express their grievances and thanked the college authorities for instituting the student’s-staff consultative meeting..