Social Intervention Policies Including Teacher and Nursing Trainees Allowances Under Review


As part of the IMF Loan Agreement, the Government of Ghana is obligated to review all social intervention policies.

Some of the policies under scrutiny include Free SHSs, Teacher and Nursing Trainees Allowance, Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP), among others.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has expressed concerns about the poor targeting of the Free SHS program, which has resulted in unsatisfactory learning outcomes.

It has recommended that the government reviews this policy to ensure it meets its target.

Moreover, various government spokespersons have indicated that reviewing and canceling the Teacher and Nursing Trainees Allowance before July is highly probable.

This decision will undoubtedly impact trainees who are yet to receive arrears owed to them.

The IMF has made it clear that the Ghanaian government must review these social interventions as part of the Conditions Subsequent for the country to receive the second tranche of the $365 million dollars loan by September. Failure to do so may result in the Fund withdrawing it.

However, for the time being, Teacher trainees should expect disbursement from the SLTF soon.

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