Colleges Of Education are running ‘double track system due to infrastructure deficits at the various colleges to accommodate the four batches of learners for the new 4-year Bachelor of Education(B.Ed) programme.
Currently, the level 200 and 300 learners are on vacation whiles the first and final years’ are on campus.
The final year students-Level 400, are expected to end their first phase of their final semester on Saturday, 23rd July, 2022.
A proposition calendar from the Institute for Teacher Education and Continuing Professional Development(ITECPD), University of Education, Winneba, sighted by Coleman Publications indicates the second year students are to report on Sunday, 24th July 2022, and commence their first phase of their second semester on 25th July.
Learners are hereby admonished to note that this date is a proposition and may change to conform to the exigencies of time.
Pls friday is 22nd and Saturday is pls 23rd
Friday is 22nd not 23rd pls****