
Komenda College of Education on 11th January, 2022 held its Official Opening Ceremony at the college Complex Hall to officially welcome New and Continuing level 300 Students back to the college.

The event which saw all Management Members, Lecturers, Teaching and Non-teaching staff and other officials on Board lasted for an hour.

During His exaltation, the chaplain -Reverend Wilson Kortey Kotei speaking on the theme “Making a decision” taught the Students populace and officials present on the need for decision making and admonished the house to make a decision to give out their best at everywhere they finds themselves, most especially in the college.

The Principal-Very Reverend Dr. Kwesi Nkum Wilson during his presentation made it known to the Students and Management the transformations, achievements and progresses the college has gone through when school was on Break. He in addition urged the continuing students to take good care of the freshers and to also teach them the traditions at the hall of residence! ” Do not bully any Junior, because if you are reported or caught as a senior in such an act , you are doomed! “, he added.. He further encouraged the students to take their studies seriously and to as well enjoy the facilitaties on campus.

New Heads of Departments for the various programmes offered by the college, old and New staff members were also introduced.

Mr. Godwin Anani, the College Public Relations Officer advised the students to be very careful and cautious about social media links and group links they click to join as there are many hackers and fraudsters in the system. He again made it point blank to the Students the need to adhere to all the Covid-19 safety protocols outlined by the Ghana Health Service as Covid-19 is still in the system and it’s very real.

The Acting Vice Principal and the HOD for the Social Science Department-Mr. Theophlius Kweku Bassaw who moderated the event urged the learners to put up good behaviors as the college is a training college.

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Isaac Ainooson
Isaac Ainooson
3 years ago

Thank you Bro. Moses. You are indeed a commodity for the college and Ghana as well. Press on and go higher. Be blessed

Turkson Silvanus Ebo
3 years ago

It was stated “We their seniors should teach them the culture and tribute of the sch in our halls of residence right Buh no bullying
Buh let dem them know dat it not still an University institution even if it in degree
We are still real training teachers dat why we differ from other universities
So they should be respectful so we can train them very well effectively