NTC Evaluates Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination, New Pass Mark Announced


The National Teaching Council (NTC) of Ghana has evaluated the Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination (GTLE) and Teacher Professionalism in Ghana.

The purpose of this evaluation was to assess the quality and trend analysis of the licensure examination and teacher professionalism and practice in Ghana.

New Pass Mark Announced:

During the event, the Deputy Director General for TVET service, David Prah, proposed an increment in the pass mark for the Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination.

Currently, the pass mark for the examination is set at 50%, which Mr. Prah believes is insufficient for ensuring that only highly qualified teachers are licensed to teach.

He proposed that the pass mark be increased to 70%, which would set a higher standard for teacher qualifications and help improve the quality of teaching in Ghana.

Assessing the GTLE

The GTLE is a mandatory examination that must be passed by all teachers seeking to obtain a teaching license in Ghana.

The examination measures the knowledge and skills of teachers in various subject areas and is designed to ensure that only qualified teachers are licensed to practice.

However, recent statistics show that many teachers are failing the exam, which raises questions about its effectiveness.

Recommendations for Improvement

To improve the quality of the GTLE and ensure that only highly qualified teachers are licensed, several recommendations were made during the NTC evaluation.

These include the use of more standardized testing processes, the inclusion of more practical applications of teaching skills in the exam, and providing more training and support to teachers who are struggling with the licensure process.

The evaluation of the Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination by the National Teaching Council provides valuable insight into the current state of teacher professionalism and practice in Ghana.

It is believed that by implementing the recommendations provided in the evaluation, Ghana can improve the quality of its teaching workforce and ensure that its students receive the best education possible.

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