The Institute of Teacher Education and Continuous Professional Development (1TECPD), of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW) wishes to inform all students who were unable to pass their End of Semester examinations that re-sit/supplementary examinations have been organized for first and second-semester papers.
The re-sit examinations for the first semester will take place from April 10th to April 14th, 2023, and are open to Level 100, 200, and 300 courses.
Meanwhile, the re-sit examinations for the second semester will take place from April 17th to April 21st, 2023, and are only available to Level 100 courses.
ITECPD Announces Fees for the Resit Examinations and Encourages Students to Prepare Adequately
UEW Announces Resit Dates for Affiliate Colleges of Education
Past Questions For CoE Level 200 students, UEW Affiliates
[PDF]: Past Questions for Colleges of Education Students.
All candidates who failed their End of Semester courses are required to register the failed courses, pay the re-sit fees, and write the re-sit examinations on the dates designated for the re-sit. It is worth noting that the fee for registering for the re-sit examinations is GHC 230.00 for all courses per semester.
For candidates who were unable to write the End of Semester examinations due to medical or approved reasons, they must register to write the outstanding papers as supplementary. However, they would have to pay all outstanding fees owed to the college before registering for the supplementary examinations.
It is pertinent to mention that all students taking part in the re-sit/supplementary examinations must register with their Dean of Academic Affairs after making all necessary payments.
It is important to adhere to the deadline for registration, which is April 6th, 2023. Any candidate who fails to register before this date would not be eligible to participate in the re-sit/supplementary examinations