Komenda College of Education begins Extended Teaching Orientation for Final Year Students

The Supported Teaching in School (STS) Unit of Komenda College of Education has commenced a three-day orientation for the final-year students ahead of their extended Teaching (Internship) which would commence on 6th February 2023.

The event which began on Wednesday, 11th January 2023 is expected to imbibe in students satisfactory behavior and practices they must exhibit at their various stations as well as how to effectively use the year four STS handbook.

Opening Ceremony

Reading from 2 Timothy 3:1-5, the College Chaplain, Reverend Wilson Kotey kotei during the opening ceremony admonished the students to refrain from lifestyles that could ruin their future.

‘Stay away from unholy lifestyles. This is not the time to carry the whole world on your shoulders. Pursue righteousness and always remember, if you mess up, it is your own life. And it will cost you”, he expressed.

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The Chaplain concluded his message by urging the students to remain positive and morally upright despite the morally deteriorated societies they may find themselves.

‘There will be terrible times out there. Do not forget where you are coming from. You are an ambassador for the school (Komenda College), go and live as one”, he conveyed

Accept Postings To Areas You Would Be Placed- Vice Principal

In his submission, Mr. Theophlius Kweku Bassaw, The Vice Principal highlighted some challenges trainees are bound to encounter during their internship.

From experiences acquired and gathered over the years, he educated the students as to how they can avoid some of such challenges and troubles.

“Comportment is very crucial. Don’t go and do what you like and what you have not been instructed. Abide by rules and regulations else you will find yourself in trouble”, he asserted

Moreover, Mr. Theophlius Kweku Bassaw encouraged the students to accept postings to areas they are placed, adding that such areas need their services.

“Wherever you will be posted to, kindly accept. Go there and make a difference. Your breakthrough might just be there. This is a community service, let’s do it and do it well”, he stated.

On Accommodation

According to the STS Coordinator, Mr. Bans Bandoh Frempong, the College has secured accommodation for 80% of the students.

He also assured the remaining 20% of the College working tirelessly on securing their accommodation before the 6th of February.

About the STS Programme

The Supported Teaching in School (STS) in Colleges of Education is part of the 4-year Bachelor of Education Programme for all Colleges of Education in Ghana.

The STS replaced the Off-Campus Teaching practice which was for final year Diploma in Basic Education Students in Colleges of Education in Ghana.

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with the STS programme, trainees visit Basic schools every week to interact with the teachers and students and also meet with their supervisors to discuss observations including challenges and recommendations, and put their findings into a Journal.

At the end of the semester, trainees submit their STS Journal for assessment.

As stated earlier, Instead of the one-year off-campus teaching practice, trainees do a one-day School Teaching Support (STS) every week while on campus.

They also have 6 weeks of School Teaching Support (STS) as part of their 4-year Bachelor of Education Programme when they are in their third year and a full semester when in their final year( internship)

Activities of the STS Units

The STS Unit of the college undertakes the following activities:

  1. Scout and select partner schools in collaboration with the MMDEs
  2. Train Lead mentors and mentors to prepare them adequately for mentoring our students and also assess them.
  3. Train Tutors and Link tutors to be able to give the needed support to our student teachers (Mentees) during their internship period and also ensure their assessment during the supported teaching periods.
  4. Allocate student teachers to partner schools in collaboration with the MMDEs.
  5. Organise training to orient student teachers on the use of the supported teaching materials such as handbooks and the Students Reflective Journal (SRJ).
  6. Organise training to orient MMDEs, Circuit Supervisors, and other Educational Officers to be able to support the student teachers
  7. Liaise with SMC/ PTAs to look for suitable accommodation for student teachers, especially females. Advise on the management of Supported teaching finances and budget.
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