[Good News]: Update on the Payment of Teacher Trainees’ Allowance


In the latest update on the payment of teacher trainees’ allowances, the Students Loan Trust Fund (SLTF) has successfully disbursed funds to those who did not receive the four-month payment made in July.

According to the reliable information made available to us, the disbursement has been made to students who have diligently submitted their corrected details to their Allowance coordinators for onward submission to the Trust Fund.

However, it is essential to note that the payment did not come with a message notifying them.

CHECK: Here is What to Note or Do if You Have not Received Your Allowance.

Therefore, students who fall into this category are urged to visit their respective banks and load their cards. If only your details were submitted, there will be funds available for you to load and withdraw.

To stay up to date with all the Colleges of Education updates, we encourage you to continue following Coleman Publications; our website and social media pages.

ALSO READ: [Just In]: Here is the latest Update on the CETAG’s Strike.

By doing so, you will remain informed about any further developments or important announcements regarding the teacher trainees’ allowance payments and many more.

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