A multitude of teacher trainees in Ghana have conveyed their deep-seated concerns surrounding the persistent delays in receiving their monthly allowances.
Consequently, a sense of ire and frustration has pervaded their ranks, leading some individuals to take drastic measures as an emblem of their discontent, burning their e-zwich cards and vehemently asserting their refusal to accept any future monetary disbursements.
One aggrieved trainee boldly voiced their exasperation, remarking, “We have reached our breaking point regarding this ongoing allowance dilemma. Just yesterday, I symbolically burnt my E-Zwich card in defiance. If and when the money eventually arrives, I am prepared to ensure it meets the same fate.”
The growing chorus of teacher trainees’ discontent resonates across their communities, as they collectively question the timeline for the long-awaited disbursement of funds.
The gravity of their predicament cannot be overstated, as trainees articulate the myriad challenges they face while pursuing their educational endeavors in the absence of critical financial support.
“We are grappling with immense hardship here at school, eagerly awaiting the much-needed relief that the timely disbursement of our allowances would bring,” one trainee lamented, their pain palpable.
The affected trainees now find themselves appealing to the government, urging them to take immediate action and address this pressing matter.
Read also: Hold Allowance Disbursement and Pay in Bulk Next Year – Trainee’s Suggestion to SLTF
The trainees emphasize the significance of timely allowance disbursements, as they are essential for their well-being, enabling them to navigate their educational journey with a semblance of stability.
Presently, the government owes these dedicated trainees a staggering six months’ worth of allowances, exacerbating the struggles they face in both their personal and academic lives.
It is evident that the delayed allowance disbursements have plunged teacher trainees into a state of uncertainty and vulnerability.
See this: Uncertain Future for Teacher Trainees as Allowances and Feeding Grants Remain Unpaid in Colleges of Education
Their collective voice calls on the government to take swift action and rectify the situation, as they endure the harsh reality of a prolonged financial struggle.