CETAG Threatens Another Strike Over Unpaid Allowances


The Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG) has threatened to resume strike action next week, citing the government’s continued failure to fulfill promises regarding their allowances.

CETAG spokesperson, Dominic Owusu, told journalists that the upcoming industrial action aims to force the government into meaningful dialogue and ensure a satisfactory resolution to their demands.

“The timelines we agreed upon when the previous strike was called off have not been met,” Owusu stated. “They promised us offline data by the first week of September, allowing teachers to verify their migration status and biodata. This data is still unavailable.”

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He further highlighted that the promised all-year-round compensation for work done in 2022, which was supposed to be paid by the end of August, has also not been received.

“We are left with empty promises and repeated assurances that the money will be in our GIFMIS accounts. This is unacceptable,” Owusu emphasized. “If we don’t see progress by the end of this week, a full-blown strike will commence.”

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It is important to note that CETAG had previously called off this strike that lasted nearly two months, disrupting academic activities since June 14, 2024.

The agreement reached in August with the central government aimed to address the concerns of CETAG members that had led to the strike.

However, the latest statement from CETAG indicates that the government has failed to deliver on its promises, leaving them frustrated and prompting the threat of another strike.

SEE ALSO: CETAG to Re-activate Strike Over Unfulfilled Agreements

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