Arrears of Trained Teachers (NSS) in Central Region Finally Paid


The January to May arrears for trained teachers having their National Service in the Central Region have finally been paid.

According to the information made available to Coleman Publications, the payment was made on Wednesday, 20th December 2023.

The delay in the payment has caused a lot of frustration among these personnel, with many wondering why their allowances were not coming as expected.

SEE ALSO: Trained Teachers (NSS) in the Central Region Allowances and Arrears Still Unpaid, Regional Director Allegedly Remains Unconcerned

Upon further investigation, it was revealed that there had been a failure in uploading their details onto the system at the regional level.

This information was disclosed in a conversation between the leadership of the concerned personnel and the director of the National Service Scheme (NSS) on Monday which the director promised to resolve.

Fortunately, the issue has now been resolved as promised by the director, and he has assured that such an incident will not happen again.

SEE ALSO: TTAG Demands Payment of Trainees’ Allowances Before Christmas

The personnel have also expressed their appreciation to the NSS secretariat for listening to their concerns and promptly attending to them.

However, they are urging the authorities to ensure that the remaining arrears are paid promptly.

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