2023/2024 Colleges of Education Applicants to take Entrance Examination before Enrollment


In breaking news, it has come to our attention that all applicants to colleges of education for the 2023/2024 academic year will be required to take an entrance examination before they can be officially enrolled.

This was a topic of discussion some time ago, but it’s been reported that authorities(PRINCOF) have now endorsed the idea, and preparations for the examination are currently underway and it’s expected to commence with the 2023/2024 applicants.

Previously, it was a requirement to pass an entrance examination before being admitted into a college of education, however, this requirement was abandoned some years back.

The examination which will be in the form of a test and an interview is expected to be reintroduced into the admission process for the next academic year.

This time around, it’s expected to take on new significance as it will be mandatory for all students seeking admission into any college of education.

Given the new development, it’s imperative that intending students seeking admission to colleges of education start preparing for the exam in earnest.

Entrance examinations are administered to test candidates’ knowledge and ability level in different areas, which can range from general knowledge to specialized knowledge relevant to the course of study.

The move to reintroduce entrance examinations into the admission process for colleges of education is seen by many as a welcome development that will increase the quality of education and admission standards in the country.

It’s also expected to enable colleges to select only the most qualified candidates, as well as ensure that each student has an adequate grasp of the essential principles required to study effectively within the college of the education system.

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