Multiple Choice Items On Multimedia Development and Use For Early Grade Classrooms

  1. Multimedia involves the integration of any of the following media elements except ……
    A. Animation
    B. Audio
    C. Automation
    D. Video
  2. If the definition for multimedia is combination of media, what is the best definition for hypermedia?
    A. Linked concepts
    B. Linked media
    C. Separate concepts
    D. Separate media
  3. A good example of hypermedia in actual use is ……
    A. Audiotape
    B. Level Video
    C. The Internet
    D. Videotape
  4. Interactive books include;
    A. Both interactive storybooks and text
    B. Instructional games
    C. Interactive storybooks
    D. Interactive texts
  5. Which of the following is the best definition for virtual reality?
    A. Any computer game involving graphics
    B. A 3D Simulation of a real or imagined environment using computers
    C. A Simulator which requires special eye glasses
    D. The process of coding in another dimension
  6. Which of these is not likely to be the responsibility of a multimedia project?
    A. Create budgets and timelines for the projects
    B. Create interfaces
    C. Ensure the visual consistency of the project
    D. Structure content
  7. Which of the following is a computer based presentation technique?
    A. Data processing
    B. Multimedia
    C. Slides
    D. Tutorials
  8. Conversion of analog waves to digital format is called ….
    A. Echo
    B. Frequency
    C. Sampling
    D. Sound forge
  9. The major factor to be considered in multimedia file is the ….. .
    A. Bandwidth
    B. Length
    C. Size
    D. Width
  10. What is the main folder on a storage device called?
    A. Device driver
    B. Interface
    C. Platform
    D. Root directory
  11. The technique of identifying recurring set of information and replacing them by a single piece of information is called …
    A. Compression
    B. Synthesize
    C. Vector Graphics
    D. Virtual reality
  12. ……………. is the technique of distorting a single image to represent something.
    A. Modeling
    B. Morphing
    C. Rendering
    D. Warping
  13. ……is a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data using radio waves
    A. Internet
    B. Intranet
    C. LAN
    D. Wi-Fi
  14. All of these are examples of instructional media except
    A. Chalkboard
    B. Charts
    C. Manuals
    D. Visual
  15. Which of the following sectors can multimedia application be used
    A. business
    B. education
    C. health
    D. all of the above
  16. What is concerned with the development, application, and evaluation of system, techniques and aids to improve the process of human learning?
    A. Computer Science
    B. Educational Technology
    C. Instructional Technology
    D. Software Engineering
  17. The process of executing instructions which are technology-driven is ……
    A. Computer Science
    B. Educational Technology
    C. Instructional Technology
    D. Software Engineering
  18. Technology of education is also referred to as
    A. Educational technology
    B. Instructional Technology
    C. Technology in Education
    D. Technology in Instruction
  19. The untested hunch, a conjecture or a guess without supporting evidence is….
    A. a matter of fact
    B. proverb
    C. theory
    D. Wise saying
  20. The following are characteristics of theory except……
    A. consistent
    B. simple
    C. stable
    D. unbeatable
  21. What is a multimedia file?
    A. it is the same as any other file
    B. Must be accessed at specific rate
    C. Stored at remote on server cannot be delivered to its client
    D. None of the mentioned above.
  22. ……………. refers to any type of application or presentation that involves more than one type of medium.
    A. An executable file
    B. Desktop publishing
    C. Multimedia
    D. Hypertext
  23. A smaller version of an image is called a
    A. Bitmap
    B. Clipart
    C. Portable Network Graphic
    D. Thumbnail
  24. Moving Picture Expert Group (MPEG) is used to compress
    A. Animation
    B. Frames
    C. Images
    D. Video
  25. All the following are basic elements of visual design except …
    A. Balance
    B. Biases
    C. Contrast
    D. Emphasis
  26. Which of the following basic element of visual design best describes the surface characteristics of a material that can be experienced through the sense of touch or the illusion of touch: rough, smooth, soft, hard glossy?
    A. Colour
    B. Shape
    C. Texture
    D. Value
  27. Knowledge is constructed by adapting new information based on previous experience …..
    Identify the type of learning theories described above.
    A. Behaviorism
    B. Cognitivism
    C. Confusuism
    D. Constuctivism
  28. In designing children’s ‘see-saw’ artifact which of the basic principles will you consider?
    A. Balance
    B. Contrast
    C. Depth
    D. Harmony
  29. Which of the following medium is most appropriate for consolidation of learning?
    A. Graphics
    B. Sound
    C. Text
    D. Video
  30. Which of the following is not a multimedia material used in the classroom?
    A. Audio tapes
    B. DVDs
    C. Microfiche
    D. White Board
  31. Light-weight digital devices that can be taken along and used are collectively called
    A. Computers
    B. Handheld Devices
    C. Mobile Phones
    D. Tablets PCs
  32. The electronic counterpart of a printed book, which can be viewed on a desktop or laptop computer or PDA is called
    A. E-book
    B. E-learning
    C. E-text
    D. Video
  33. Which of the following storage devices are best suited for storing videos?
    I. Floppy Disk II. Zip Disk III. DVD IV. Hard Disk
    A. I, III and IV only
    B. III and IV only
    C. II and III only
    D. All of the above
  34. A …………………is a multimedia application that attempt to model real-life situation on a computer
    A. Audio
    B. Drill
    C. Simulation
    D. Tutorial
  35. The process by which a series of graphical images are displayed one after the other to simulate movement is termed as
    A. Animation
    B. Drill
    C. Multimedia
    D. Simulation
  36. ……………… is a form of training in which the material resides on web pages accessible through World Wide Web
    A. Computer-based training
    B. E-learning
    C. Internet training
    D. Web based training
  37. Which of the following application software has multimedia features and capabilities that allow you to combine text and graphics for teaching and learning?
    A. Microsoft Access
    B. Microsoft Excel
    C. Microsoft PowerPoint
    D. Microsoft Word
  38. The Acronym JPEG stands for
    A. Joint Photo Experts Gross
    B. Joint Photographic Experts Group
    C. Joint Photographic Expression Group
    D. Joint Processor Experts Group
  39. Which of the following is Not a multimedia application
    A. Apple Systems
    B. Hypermedia Courseware
    C. Interactive Television
    D. Virtual reality
  40. ………………… is a text which contains links to other texts
    A. Adobe Acrobat
    B. Hypermedia
    C. Hypertext
    D. World Wide Web
  41. The multimedia which is delivered through web pages is called………………. Multimedia
    A. CD-based
    B. Tape-based
    C. TV-based
    D. Web-based
  42. ………………. refers to the way users communicate with a multimedia application or program
    A. Authorware
    B. Interactivity
    C. Internet
    D. Toolbook
  43. video, audio and animation are moving objects; we call it ………… elements
    A. Dynamic
    B. Hypertext
    C. Static
    D. Synthetic
  44. Music and speech can be stored in the computer as ………………
    A. Analog
    B. Audio
    C. Graphics
    D. Video
  45. To edit letters and numbers, ………….. editors are used
    A. Audio
    B. Graphics
    C. Text
    D. Video
  46. The multimedia element that explains idea through a picture is called …………
    A. Animation
    B. Audio
    C. Graphic
    D. Video
  47. In ICT, using multimedia means using various ………….; the process involves interaction between the technology and the user.
    A. Arts
    B. Design
    C. Media
    D. News
  48. ……………… interactivity is a two-way communication process.
    A. Linear
    B. Hypertext
    C. Multimedia
    D. Non-linear
  49. An improvement to the CD-ROM is the ………… that can store better quality video
    A. Blu-ray
    B. DVD
    C. VCD
    D. Floppy Disk
  50. With multimedia authoring software you can make
    A. Demo disk and guided tours
    B. Games and interactive web sites
    C. Video productions and animations
    D. All of the above
  51. What is concerned with the development, application, and evaluation of system, techniques and aids to improve the process of human learning?
    A. Computer Science
    B. Educational Technology
    C. Instructional Technology
    D. Software Engineering
  52. In which year was satellite technology used to broadcast educational programs to local students.
    A. 1950s
    B. 1960s
    C. 1980s
    D. 1990s
  53. The act of reframing the world and new experiences into the mental capacity already present is ….
    A. Accommodation
    B. Assimilation
    C. Experimentation
    D. Understanding
  54. How many stages of development was proposed by Piaget?
    A. 3
    B. 4
    C. 5
    D. 6
  55. Which of the Piaget development stages children use their new ability to represent objects in a wide variety of activities?
    A. concrete operational
    B. formal operational
    C. Preoperational
    D. sensor motor
  56. Who believed strongly that community plays a central role in the process of “making meaning”?
    A. Brunner
    B. Dewey
    C. Piaget
    D. Vygotsky
  57. Which of these is not valuable of using instructional media?
    A. Arousal of Interest
    B. Clarify Concepts
    C. faster communication
    D. Provision of variety
  58. The following are types of instructional media except
    A. Audio visual
    B. Print
    C. transparencies
    D. Visual
  59. Edgar Dale theorized that learners retain more information by what they ……
    A. do
    B. hear
    C. listen
    D. read
  60. According to Edgar Dale cone of Experience, the least effective method of teaching is at the…..
    A. bottom
    B. middle
    C. top
    D. none of the above
  61. Which of the following is not the reason for using models in the classroom?

A. Abstract constructions

B. Physically inaccessibility

C. To explain processes

D. none of the above

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