1. The purpose of educational research is to ………………….
A. Collect data on educational phenomena
B. Determine educational phenomena
C. State educational phenomena
D. Understand and explain educational phenomena
2. Educational research can be defined as ……………………
A. A way of generating solutions to educational problems
B. A systematic method of gathering and interpreting information regarding educational phenomena
C. Different methods applied to educational issues
D. Empirical methods of data generation and analysis in education
3. A student who goes to the library to obtain information to answer a question posed by his/her teacher in class. The student can be described as doing research in a scholarly sense.
A. True B. False
4. The following statements are characteristics of research except ……………….
A. Research begins with an issue
B. Research demands a plan
C. Research requires clear statement of problem
D. Research is vertical
5. Data collection is a necessary condition for research.
A. True B. False
6. To solve a research problem, a researcher must formulate only research questions.
A. True B. False
7. Which way of knowing is likely to provide you with the most valid knowledge?
A. Authority
B. Personal experience
C. The scientific method
8. A weakness of personal experience as a source of knowledge is that it is not objective.
A. True B. False
9. A tradition as a source of knowledge has the advantage of engaging and accepting new knowledge.
A. True B. False
10. The method of knowing which involves observing specific instances and then generalizing from the instances is known as
A. deduction
B. induction
C. syllogism
11. The following are characteristics of the scientific method except …………….
A. subjectivity
B. precision
C. verification
12. In using the scientific method to generate new knowledge a researcher must complete one stage before moving on another.
A. True
B. False
13. The conclusion of a study is final ………………….
A. True
B. False
14. Research is important because it …………………..
A. determines everything that we do.
B. fills the void in our knowledge.
C. guides our value system.
15. Repeating a previously conducted research using new participants does not usually add to knowledge.
A. True
B. False
16. Research, on the whole, tends to push back our horizon of ignorance.
A. True
B. False
17. As a teacher now can research help you to improve your practice?
A. By establishing questions to be answered.
B. By helping students know what they are taught
C. By indicating what works
18. How will you make use of research to determine the effectiveness of certain methods of doing things in the classroom?
A. Asking people about the methods
B. Effective teaching
C. Review of research on the methods
19. Educational policies formulated based on research are likely to be better than those formulated without considering relevant research results.
A. True
B. False
20. Once an educational policy is formulated, there will be no need to change it.
A. True
B. False
21. Research will help you to acquire the following skills except …………………….
A. conceptualizing.
B. organizing.
C. reading.
D. writing.
22. The type of educational research that helps in understanding and explaining phenomenon is …………………….
A. an evaluation research
B. applied research
C. basic research
23. A research to test the effectiveness of a theory within a specific context can be described as ……………..
A. applied research
B. basic research
C. research and development
24. A study in which a researcher manipulates a factor to determine its effect on another factor can be described as ……………………….
A. action research
B. experimental research
C. non-experimental research
25. Which type of research emphasizes measurement of variables and their relationship?
A. Applied research
B. Quantitative research
C. Qualitative research
26. A piece of research that is aimed at obtaining the perspectives of participants through verbal narratives is qualitative research.
A. True
B. False
27. Which of the following types of research can be under taken by a classroom teacher to solve his/her problems?
A. Action research
B. Applied research
C. Quantitative research
28. Suppose you want to investigate the effect of using a new technique to teach mathematics on mathematics achievement. Your research can be described as …..
A. basic, experimental and qualitative
B. applied, experimental and quantitative
C. action, non-experimental and quantitative
29. An example of a continuous variable is ………………………
A. Height
B. Method of instruction
C. Nationality
30. Which of the following variables can be serving as dependent variable?
A. Type of reinforcement
B. Attitude
C. Method of instruction
31. A variable that can be described in terms of kind only can be said to be ……….
A. continuous
B. dichotomous variable
C. extraneous variable
32. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of systematic cooperative learning and test-taking strategies on one component of academic performance the recall of text materials. Which type of research was done?
A. Applied research
B. Basic research
C. Research and development
33. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of systematic cooperative learning and test-taking strategies on one component of academic performance the recall of text materials. What is the dependent variable is the study?
A. Cooperative learning
B. Recall of text material
C. test taking strategies
34. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of systematic cooperative learning and test-taking strategies on one component of academic performance the recall of text materials. What is the independent variable is the study?
A. Cooperative learning
B. Cooperative learning and test taking strategies
C. Performance
35. A research proposal is a plan of how a study is to be conducted.
A. True
B. False
36. Without preparing a research plan, a researcher is not likely to proceed systematically in conducting a study.
A. True
B. False
37. A research proposal should indicate the results of the study.
A. True
B. False
38. The introduction section of a proposal should clearly indicate the following except …………………….
A. design to be used.
B. problem to be investigated.
C. Research question
39. Which type of research will warrant the formulation of research hypotheses? 5
A. Qualitative research
B. Quantitative research
C. Both quantitative and qualitative research
40. In writing a research proposal, the researcher must indicate the research instrument he/she will use as well as how valid the instruments are.
A. True
B. False
41. A research problem statement should indicate the following, except the …….
A. expected results
B. target group
C. variables of interest
42. The data analysis section of a proposal must indicate how each hypothesis is to be tested.
A. True
B. False
43. The problem which motivates the researcher to undertake his/her study is known as the research problem.
A. True
B. False
44. A problem is anything that a person finds unsatisfactory or a state of affairs that needs to be changed.
A. True
B. False
45. There are established rules that govern a final selection of research problem that every research must know.
A. True
B. False
46. The research problem must be ambiguous and complex so that readers would spend time to understand, as a way of making it researchable.
A. True
B. False
47. The significance of a topic implies; it must be capable of adding new information to the present state of knowledge.
A. True
B. False
48. Each of the following is a criterion for a good research problem except ………
A. is clear and concise
B. indicates the type of research
C. indicates the expected results
D. indicates the variables
49. A common source for research problem is …………………
A. the researcher’s own experience
B. the available literature
C. opinions from experts
D. theory
50. A teacher encounters a problem in the classroom that leads to investigation or a research into such a problem. What source of problem is this?
A. Experience
B. Opinion
C. Theory
D. Ideas from external source
51. Research problems that are obtained as a result of reading journals, especially those that report the results of studies in their area of interest, is from what source?
A. Literature
B. Replication
C. Textbooks
D. Development agencies
52. Research question are stated in a declarative form.
A. True
B. False
53. Stating a research problem as a research question has the advantage of simplicity and direction over the statement form.
A. True
B. False
54. Which of the following documents can be described as a secondary source?
A. A review of a book in a journal
B. A report written by an investigator
C. An article published in a refereed journal
55. The purpose of review of literature is to identify previously used methods of investigation to avoid past mistake.
A. True
B. False
56. The review of literature is useful for ……………………………..
A. determining the direction of the study.
B. introducing the methodology to be used for the study
C. resolving contradictory findings
57. Opinion of experts in a field of study is of interest to the researcher in reviewing related literature.
A. True
B. False
58. The review of related literature provides a basis for the formulation of hypothesis and/or research questions.
A. True
B. False
59. A scholarly textbook is a secondary source.
A. True
B. False
60. A high quality of literature will summarize, critique and relate the problem.
A. True
B. False
61. A review of literature should cover both theoretical and empirical issues related to the research problem under consideration.
A. True
B. False
62. The most effective way to organize a review of literature is …………….
A. to begin with the most recent studies
B. to structure paragraphs chronologically
C. by themes and sub-themes
D. to start with the primary sources
63. The original articles and reports in which researchers communicate directly to the researcher the methods and results of their study are …………………
A. secondary
B. primary sources
C. authority
64. Primary sources tend to be distorted through being summarized or reported in another form.
A. True
B. False
65. The most common approach to organizing the review literature is to group together studies that investigate similar topics or subtopics.
A. True
B. False
66. Publications in which authors describe the work of others referred to as
A. Primary sources
B. Secondary Sources
C. Educational Index
67. The review should omit studies that conflict with personal values.
A. True
B. False
68. Which part of the review of literature offers a brief description of the nature of the research problem and the statement of the research questions?
A. Conclusion
B. Methodology
C. The body
D. Introduction
69. The summary of the review presents a composite picture of what is known or thought to date.
A. True
B. False
70. Which part of the literature report must include ‘what the literature suggests are appropriate course of action to take to try to solve the problem’?
A. Summary
B. Conclusion
C. Introduction
D. Reference
71. The section that acknowledge the source of opinions, points of view and generalization is known as …………………..
A. Summary
B. Conclusion
C. Introduction
D. Reference
72. What type of conclusions are warranted from descriptive studies?
A. Relationship
B. Causal
C. Causal comparative
D. Current characteristics
73. A plan or blueprint which specifies how data relating to a given problem should be collected and analyzed is known as ………………………
A. research design
B. hypothesis
C. descriptive design
D. proposal
74. A researcher decides to look at the perception of JSS teachers in the Ho Municipality towards the practice of continuous assessment. What type of design is this?
A. Research design
B. Descriptive design
C. Causal comparative
D. Case study
75. Which of the following is NOT a step involved in a descriptive research?
A. Definition of the problem
B. Selection of method of data collection
C. Interpretation of results
D. The cost involved in undertaking research
76. Research is mainly a fact finding and drawing of conclusion.
A. True
B. False
77. The sampling frame is most similar to the …………………
A. population
B. sample
C. respondents
D. elements
78. We use the results obtained from a sample to …………………
A. generalizes to the population
B. study to the sample
C. study convenience sample
D. identify the subjects used in the study
79. Probability sampling is to systematic sampling as non-probability sampling.
A. stratified sampling
B. proportional sampling
C. disproportional sampling
D. purposive sampling
80. Systematic sampling is preferred when …………….
A. stratified sampling is not possible
B. certain subjects need to be selected because of their position original knowledge
C. it is not possible to number all members of the population
D. there is periodicity in a list of the population
81. A Researcher decides to select a sample by taking simple random samples from three subgroups that have been identified from the population. What type of sampling was used?
A. Proportional
B. Cluster
C. Convenience
D. Stratified
82. Each of the following about the subjects of study should be indicated in the research except …………………………..
A. return rate of surveys
B. method of sampling
C. clear description of samples
D. names of subjects
83. The stage in the research process whereby a researcher gathers any relevant information for the solution of the research problem under study is known as
A. data collection
B. questionnaire
C instrument development
D. descriptive research
84. Observers will vary in the degree to which they
A. are trained for conducting the study
B. are involved with the participants in the setting
C. interacts with the participants.
D. are influenced by experimental bias.
85. Which of the following describes an observer who is a member of the group being observed but maintains some distance as a researcher?
A. complete participant
B. complete observer
C. observer participant
D. participant observer
86. Case study typically involves the observation of individual units
A. true
B. false
87. In a case study evidence should be built up from a single source that conclusions drawn could be reliable.
A. true
B. false
88. Which of the following is NOT a skill needed by a case study investigator?
A. the investigator should not be flexible.
B. he /she must have a grasp of the issues he/she is studying
C. lack of bias
D. needs to be good listener and observer.
89. A means of reducing the chance of having the individual tell what the investigator wishes to hear is to minimize direct questions and use non-direct probes.
A. true
B. false
90. Case studies provide very strong evidence for scientific investigation.
A. true
B. false
91. In this type of study the researcher manipulates at least one independent variable, controls other relevant variables and observes what happens to the response of subjects. The study is ……………………….
A. casual comparative study
B. es post facto study
C. experimental study
D. internal validity.
92. In direct manipulation of independent variables, the investigator has a direct control of when subjects receive the independent variable but has no control of how much of it each subject receives.
A. true
B. false
93. In an experiment, the researcher seeks to keep constant for all subjects, all variables, conditions, events and procedures except the
A. independent variable
B. dependent variable
C. extraneous variable
D. environmental variables
94. Selection of subjects in an experimental design is usually undertaken by means of ………….
A. convenient sampling
B. non-probability sampling
C. quota sampling
D. probability sampling.
95. When a researcher employs a specific design to control for extraneous variables, the ……….. of the design is strengthened.
A. external validity
B. internal validity
C. experimental validity
D. generalisability
96. Control of extraneous variables is achieved by
A. making sure none of the extraneous variables and plausible
B. random assignment
C. making groups homogeneous on the extraneous variables
D. using experimental design
97. In the single-group pretest design, the most significant threat to internal validity is usually………….
A. selection
B. statistical regression
C. history
D. experiment bias.
98. A ‘true’ experimental design is distinguished by………………
A. stronger internal validity
B. strong external validity
C. researcher control over most extraneous variables.
D. random assignment of subjects
99. Establishing the reliability or consistency of test scores over items and over time, thus showing that the test biases introduce by consistently is a means of controlling the biases introduce by …………….
A. statistical regression
B. selection
C. mortality
D. instrumentation
100. The processes of change that take place within the subjects of an experiment refers to ……………….
A. mortality
B. maturation
C. instrumentation
D. history
101. Examining research data with the view to correcting mistakes in it is termed
A. coding
B. editing
C. scoring
102. What is the purpose of editing research data?
A. to introduce errors in the data collected
B. to eliminate errors in the data collected
C. to increase the number of respondents.
103. Scoring of data refers to assigning numbers to variables consistently.
A. true
B. false
104. Coding of qualitative data is the same as coding quantitative data
A. true
B. false
105. The type of coding that involves more of test is quantitative
A. true
B. false
106. It is necessary to prepare data before proceeding to analyze it.
A. true
B. false
107. Preparation of data contributing to conclusion validity of a study.
A. true
B. false
108. The role of descriptive statistic in research is to provide the researcher with
A. the computations of data
B. the meaning of his/her observations
C. a summary of the pieces of information collected
109. Which of the following is a measure of central tendency?
A. mode
B. range
C. standard deviation
110. It is appropriate to use the mean to describe the numbers on the jerseys of football players.
A. true
B. false
111. Which of the following measures of central tendency is appropriate for describing observations that are measured on the interval scale but not skewed?
A. mean
B. median
C. mode.
112. When is it appropriate to use the median to describe data?
A. when the data is categorical
B. when the data is measure using the ordinary scale
C. when the data is measure using the nominal scale.
113. The mean is the best measure of central tendency.
A. true
B. false
114. Which of the following measures of speed is dependent on the two extreme scores in the distribution?
A. inter quartile range
B. range
C. standard deviation.
Guidance and Counseling 100 Objective Questions with Answers.