DO YOU KNOW THIS?.. Lesson 5


Therefore if any man be in Christ, He is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

I have discovered many finds it difficult to come to Christ because of the fear that people will use their past against them. And this is very true! The world can never speak without emphasizing on history and the past lives of people.

The pathetic aspect is, many Christians are with this same attitude..And the most annoying part is, they scale God with This attitude, thinking He is also a person who can’t forget our past(evil deeds). This is false.

Hey! Don’t compare those negative attitudes of yours to God. If you can’t forgive and forget that doesn’t mean God also can’t forgive and forget? Understand this, God is God and He will always be God No matter how you picture Him.

Your ability to forget the past of a new convert and SEE Him as a new creature determines How matured you are in Christ.

Now look at the bolded part of our opening verse. It reads, … OLD THINGS ARE PASSED AWAY; BEHOLD, ALL THINGS ARE BECOME NEW. Look at that! The scripture didn’t reads, OLD THINGS WILL PASS AWAY. No! It says old things has passed away. They ended the day one accepted Christ!. He/she became a new creature the very moment He welcomed Christ into his life.

He will not become a new person tomorrow or the next day. No! He/she became a new person the day you led Him to Christ. O yeah! The scripture didn’t ends there, its added, BEHOLD ALL THINGS ARE BECOME NEW. Did you see that? This is what majority don’t understand.

Majority thinks when the scripture talks about things becoming new it was referring to physical things. No! It’s refers to your spiritual being, your inner man receives this newness. The Newness took place in your spirit.

If ministers of God could know and understand this, they will know how to carefully handle their new convert and equipped them with solid teachings.

Now, that newness which took place in your spirit is what you must study to reflect in the physical(body) . Many call people to the alter to accept Christ and later leave them Like that. This is wrong!

The person needs to be taught on His/her position and the kind of person He/she has become in Christ. This will enable Him to discover that yes indeed anyone who is in Christ is a new creature than using the person’s evil deeds did in the past against Him/her.

If God is saying He will not remember your sins and iniquities because you have accepted Christ, whom do you think you are to rise up against a person in Christ with His History(evil works) which Jesus took away 2000yrs ago? Look at what the Lord said,

….. and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. Hebrew 8:12

Look at that! God is saying, your past is passed and your Histories are gone! Hallelujah! He is now concentrating on the new man He has made you in Christ. So stop thinking about your past and focus on Christ. And you too who has been using the past of people against them even though they are in Christ , you are still a baby feeding on milk. Study to grow.


Do you know this? Let’s delve deeper tomorrow.

Further reading
1 Peter 2

Holy Spirit empower me to discover more of you. Amen

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