We are working on the Students Data Base-SLTF


The National Financial Secretary of the Teacher Trainees Association of Ghana(TTAG), Nornehtaa Andrew Dennuo has sent out a message indicating that the Students Loan Trust Fund is still working on the Students Data for the disbursement. His message read;

“Kindly note that SLTF has acknowledged receipt of funds from the government to pay teacher trainees’ allowances as reported earlier yesterday.

However, a report from their end this morning indicates that they are working on the data of students to disburse the funds to them.

In this vein, trainees are hereby entreated to exercise patience until TTAG leadership gives the green light or better still a “Dear Trainee..” message pops up on your phone. However, we have been given the assurance that trainees will receive their stipends latest by the end of next week.

Apologies for any inconvenience.” He concluded.

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Another Good news for Teacher Trainees. - Coleman Publications
2 years ago

[…] We are working on the Students Data Base-SLTF […]