The University of Cape Coast (UCC) has established specific criteria for students to progress from Level 100 to Level 200.
Students must pass all courses taken with grades ranging from A to D and attain a minimum C.G.P.A. of 1.0.
Students with a GPA below 1.0 at the end of the first semester will receive a caution from the Director of Academic Affairs and counselling from the Departmental Academic Advisor or the University Counseling Centre.
Dismissal for Poor Academic Performance
A Level 100 student who loses a total of twelve credits registered for an academic year will be dismissed for poor academic performance.
However, such a student may reapply for admission into a different program the following academic year.
SEE ALSO: UEW Policy on Students With CGPA Of 1.0 or Below
Supplementary End-of-Semester Examinations
Level 100 students who lose between 1 and 11 credits in any semester will have the opportunity to write supplementary end-of-semester examinations.
These examinations will be marked over 60 and added to the continuous assessment scores.
If a student fails to pass all the failed courses in the supplementary examinations, they will be withdrawn but may reapply for admission the following academic year.
Progression from Level 200 Upwards
To progress from Level 200 to 300 or from Level 300 to 400, students must:
- Attain a minimum C.G.P.A. of 1.0
- Accumulate at least 30 credits for the current year
- Not lose more than a total of 9 credits in the courses registered at the end of the academic year
Failure to satisfy these conditions will result in either probation or being classified as an external candidate, depending on the gravity of the failure.
SEE ALSO: Grading System of the University of Cape Coast And How to Calculate Your CGPA
Probation and Repeating Courses
If a student fails up to 9 credits, they will progress to the next level but must repeat the failed courses.
Students on probation may take up to 18 credits per semester and have two chances to pass the failed courses.
They must also avail themselves of Academic Advisory and Counseling Services.
External Candidate Status
Students who fail a total of 10 to 12 credits will be allowed to repeat the failed courses as external candidates.
These students will register for repeated courses only and must pass them within one academic year to progress to the next level.
External candidates must attend lectures, fulfill continuous assessment requirements, and pay 60% of the approved university fees.
Dismissal for Continuing Students
Continuing students who fail more than 12 credits will be dismissed outright.
Students with a minimum C.G.P.A. of 1.0 to 1.5 at the end of the academic year will be cautioned by the Director of Academic Affairs and counseled by their Departmental Academic Advisor.
Special Supplementary Examinations for Level 400 Students
Special supplementary end-of-semester examinations will be held in August for Level 400 students who are still trailing courses.
These examinations will be marked over 60 and added to the continuous assessment scores.
Students who fail or do not avail themselves of these examinations must repeat the failed courses the following academic year and pay 60% of the approved university fees.
SEE ALSO: Colleges of Education Affiliated to University of Cape Coast (UCC)
Computation of Results
If a student passes a repeated course, both the failed and new grades will appear on their transcript and be used in computing the final C.G.P.A.
The grade in the originally failed course will also be used alongside the grade obtained in the replacement course.