Special Notice To Final Year Students In Colleges of Education affiliated to UDS


All level 400 students in colleges of education affiliated to the University for Development Studies, UDS, are to take note that the vacation of the basic schools on March 24, 2023, does not mark the end of their Internship (STS) programme.

This is because they have only completed nine (9) weeks of the twelve (12) weeks programme as of the 24th March 2023.

As a result, they are expected to return to their respective schools after the re-opening of the basic schools to continue the programme for three (3) more weeks. The internship (STS) programme will then end on Friday, April 28, 2023.

It is important that all stakeholders, including the level 400 students, are aware of this extension in order to ensure the successful completion of the programme.

This extension may come as a surprise to some of you, but you are assure that it is in your best interest to complete the programme in its entirety. This will not only benefit you but also the students you will be teaching in the future.

Students are encouraged to use this additional time to enhance their teaching skills and become better equipped to handle the challenges that come with the profession.

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