Over 70,000 Applicants to Access Students Loan for the 2022/2023 Academic Year


The Students Loan Trust Fund (SLTF) has announced the opening of their applications for the 2022/2023 academic year.

According to the Trust Fund, Tertiary students across the country will be able to access the Students Loan portal either through their organization’s website or by downloading the Students Loan App on playstores.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Students Loan Trust Fund (SLTF), Nana Kwaku Agyei Yeboah addressing the media on Friday, said, “It is expected that over 70,000 new applicants will access the loan for the 2022/2023 academic year as against 32,744 students who benefitted last year due to measures put in place to reach out to thousands of applicants,”

He believes the increase is due to the introduction of the ‘No Guarantor Policy’ last year which has eased the challenges applicants faced in the past looking for people to guarantee for them before being offered the loan.

Mr. Yeboah made it known that “every effort is being made to ensure that many students have access to the loan facility to support their education.”

He mentioned the intensification of public education and the increase in the number of access points nationwide as some of the measures put in place to bring to the attention of all Ghanaians the activities of the Trust across the country.

Nana Agyei Yeboah elucidated “there are currently 32,744 beneficiaries on the Students Loan from 110 tertiary institutions across the country. In the last academic year, the SLTF disbursed Gh64,645,575.00 of loans to 32,744 students.”

Nevertheless, he has encouraged students to take advantage of the new policy to access subsidized financing for their tertiary education.

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