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Home Education Colleges of Education

UCC Affiliated Colleges of Education 2024/2025 Academic Calendar – Check Here


The University of Cape Coast (UCC) has officially released the 2024/2025 academic calendar for its affiliated Colleges of Education.

The calendar provides a detailed schedule of key dates and activities for students and faculty members for the academic year.

The release of the calendar comes as part of UCC’s commitment to maintaining an organized and efficient academic schedule for its affiliated institutions.

SEE ALSO: Colleges of Education Affiliated to University of Cape Coast (UCC)

Below is the tabulated calendar highlighting key dates and corresponding activities:

Nov. 11-14, 2024B.Ed. Level 400 students report to campus for orientation for Macro Teaching (2021 Year Group).
Nov. 15, 2024 – March 15, 2025B.Ed. Level 400 students report to their schools of attachment for Marco Teaching (2021 Year Group).
Dec. 20, 2024-Jan. 12, 2025Registration of B.Ed. Level 400 students for First Semester Courses.
Dec. 21, 2024-Jan. 11, 2025Fifth UCC Affiliated Colleges of Education Board Meeting to consider B.Ed. Levels 200 and 300 Second Semester Examination Results.
Jan. 27-April 20, 2025Publication of B.Ed. Level 200 and 300 Examination Results.
Jan. 27-Feb. 7, 2025Sandwich Period
Feb. 11, 2025B.Ed. Levels 100, 200 and 300 students report to campus for First Semester. (12 weeks)
Feb. 17-21, 2025Registration of B.Ed. Levels 100, 200, and 300 students for First Semester Courses.
March. 10-15, 2025Test-item Development Workshop for First Semester Courses.
March 31, 2025Monitoring of Teaching and Learning Activities and College-Based Quizzes (B.Ed. Levels 100, 200 and 300)
April 6-17, 2025B.Ed. Levels 100, 200 and 300 Mid-Sem Quiz.
April 18, 2025Deadline for the Payment of 2023/2024 First Semester Examination Fees
April 18-May 5, 2025End-of-First Semester Examination for B.Ed. Levels 100, 200 and 300 students.
April 21-29, 2025B.Ed. Levels 100, 200 and 300 Students go down.
April 29-May 7, 2025Sandwich Period
May 7-15, 2025Residential Marking of B.Ed. Level 100 first Semester Examinations Scripts.
May 22, 2025Residential Marking of B.Ed. Level 200 first Semester Examinations Scripts.
May 23, 2025Residential Marking of B.Ed. Level 300 first Semester Examinations Scripts.
May 25-Aug. 30, 2025First UCC Affiliated Colleges of Education Board Meeting to consider B.Ed. Levels 100, 200 and 300 first Semester Examination Results.
May 25-June 6, 2025Publication of B.Ed. Level 100, 200 and 300 Examination Results.
June 19, 2025B.Ed. Levels 100, 200, 300 and 400 students report to campus for Second Semester (12 weeks).
June 23-28, 2025Registration of B.Ed. Levels 100, 200, and 300 students for Second Semester Courses.
June 29-July 6, 2025Monitoring of Teaching and Learning Activities and College-Based Quizzes (B.Ed. Levels 200 and 300)
July 14-19, 2025B.Ed. Levels 100 and 400 Mid-Sem Quiz.
July 21-26, 2025B.Ed. Levels 200 and 300 Mid-Sem Quiz.
July 24-Sept…. 2025Sandwich Period
July 30, 2025Deadline for the Payment of 2023/2024 Second Semester Examination Fees
Aug. 16-22, 2025End-of-Second Semester Examination for B.Ed. Levels 100, and 400 students.
Aug. 23-31, 2025End-of-Second Semester Examination for B.Ed. Levels 200 and 300 students.
Sept. 1-11, 2025Residential Marking of B.Ed. Levels 100 and 400 Second Semester Examinations Scripts.
Sept. 12-23, 2025Residential Marking of B.Ed. Levels 200 and 300 Second Semester Examinations Scripts.
Sept. 18, 2025Second UCC Affiliated Colleges of Education Board Meeting to consider B.Ed. Levels 100 and 400 Second Semester Examination Results.
Sept. 18, 2025Publication of B.Ed. Levels 100 and 400 first/second semester Examination Results.
Sept. 29-Oct. 8, 2025B.Ed. Levels 100 and 400 First and Second Semesters Resit Examinations.
Oct. 9, 2025Third UCC Affiliated Colleges of Education Board Meeting to consider B.Ed. Levels 200 and 300 Second Semester Examination Results.
Oct. 10-17, 2025Resit Marking of B.Ed. Levels 100 and 400 First/Second Semester Examinations Scripts
Oct. 20, 2025Publication of B.Ed. Levels 100 and 400 first/second semester Resit Examination Results.

The University has urged all affiliated Colleges of Education to adhere to the outlined schedule to ensure a smooth and successful academic year.

SEE ALSO: Ten (10) Ways to Pass Your Exams with Ease

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