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University of Ghana Legon Grading System and Degree Classification


The University of Ghana (UG), one of the premier institutions of higher learning in Ghana, was established in 1948 as the University College of the Gold Coast.

Over the years, it has expanded significantly, with its main campus located in Legon.

Like many universities, examinations and grading are vital components of academic assessment at UG.

University of Ghana Legon Grading System

UG employs a Grade Point Average (GPA) system to evaluate students’ academic performance.

This system considers several aspects of a student’s paper, including expression, presentation, and content.

Each exam is assigned a grade that contributes to a cumulative average determining the student’s final degree classification.

Legon GPA Grading System

The grading system at UG Legon includes letter grades, marks, grade points, and interpretations:

Grade LetterMarksGrade PointInterpretation
A80–1004.0Outstanding – Coherently organized, logically presented, with minimal errors and original insights.
B+75–793.5Very Good – Clearly expressed ideas with few errors, showing impressive knowledge of the subject.
B70–743.0Good – Above-average knowledge with tolerable linguistic flaws, well-organized and presented.
C+65–692.5Fairly Good – Above average command with some linguistic flaws, fairly organized and presented.
C60–642.0Average – Adequate grasp of the subject with several linguistic flaws.
D+55–591.5Below Average – Weak grasp, poorly organized with many errors.
D50–541.0Marginal – Very weak grasp and organization with many errors.
F0–490Fail – Poor knowledge and presentation with numerous errors.

SEE ALSO: Grading System of the University of Cape Coast And How to Calculate Your CGPA

University of Ghana Degree Classification

ClassCumulative Grade Points
First Class3.60 – 4.00
Second Class (Upper)3.00 – 3.59
Second Class (Lower)2.00 – 2.99
Third Class1.50 – 1.99
Pass1.00 – 1.49
Fail0.00 – 0.99

Grading System for Graduate Students

The graduate grading system mirrors the undergraduate system but includes an oral exam component for master’s and doctoral students.

GradeMarksInterpretationGrade Point
A80 – 100Excellent4.00
B+70 – 79Very Good3.50
B60 – 69Good3.00
C50 – 59Pass2.00
D30 – 49Fail1.50
F0 – 29Fail1.00

Other grades:

  • Z: Disqualification
  • I: Incomplete with justification
  • Y: Continuing
  • X: Incomplete without justification

SEE ALSO: KNUST Grading System, How to Calculate Cumulative Weighted Average (CWA) & Degree Classification

What Grade is ‘A’ in Legon?

A grade of ‘A’ in Legon represents a score between 80 and 100 marks, equating to a grade point of 4.0.

CGPA for Second Class Upper

A Second-Class Upper division is awarded to students with a cumulative GPA between 3.00 and 3.59.


The University of Ghana Legon’s GPA grading system is comprehensive and similar to systems used in many US institutions, ensuring a fair assessment of students’ academic performances.

SEE ALSO: Colleges of Education Affiliated to University Of Ghana (UG), Legon

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