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NSS Clarifies GH¢40 Online Enrolment Activation Fee


The National Service Scheme (NSS) has issued a statement clarifying the GH¢40 Online Enrolment Activation fee required from prospective national service personnel.

In the statement released on Friday, June 21, the NSS clarified that the fee is not a new development.

Media reports had sparked public outrage over the fee, but the statement from NSS described these reports as “twisted and skewed”.

“It is clear that the authors of the storyline did not find out much about the issues and rather sought to twist and skew the story to portray the Scheme negatively to the public, as though this was an extortion, as they suggested in their writeup.”

SEE ALSO: NSS: Guidelines on Submission of Monthly Evaluation Forms

The scheme stated that the GH¢40 charge for PIN codes has been in place for some time and is not an extortionate practice.

“Management wishes to clarify that the GH¢40 charge for PIN codes is not a recent development.”

The NSS explained that initially, the fee was deducted from the first month allowances of the service personnel after they had been posted.

SEE ALSO: NSS: Here are the Items Needed for the Regional Registration

However, in 2015, the mode of payment was changed to allow service personnel to pay before enrollment.

The scheme emphasized that the GH¢40 charge supports essential ICT infrastructure and services necessary for the efficient operation of the NSS, including:

  • GH¢10 for NSS electronic ID cards
  • GH¢10 for National Service Personnel Association (NASPA) dues
  • GH¢20 for online services and NSS certificates

SEE ALSO: Step-by-Step Guide to Checking Your NSS PIN Code and Registration Process

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