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Home Education Colleges of Education

Colleges of Education Admission Lists for 2022/2023 Academic Year Released


The long-awaited admission lists for Fresh students into colleges of education are finally released by PRINCOF.

PRINCOF on 19th December 2022 released its first batch admission list for suitable applicants into the various programmes offered by the various Colleges of Education in the country.

Applicants who qualified and were selected would receive a Short Message Service(SMS), as a confirmation of their admissions.

This SMS comes with a unique reference number. Use that number to print your admission Letter. Follow the instructions enlisted on the letter for successful admission.

How to Print Colleges Of Education
Admission Letter and Prospectus

  1. Visit the Admission Portal using the link in your SMS
  2. Enter your Reference Number and Pin codes received via SMS from your chosen College Of Education
  3. Click on Sign in
  4. Click the On button in the pop-up menu to print your admission letter.
  5. Finally, Click on the Download button to get a PDF copy of your admission letter and prospectus and print.

Kindly ensure to make Payment of your admission fee before or on the deadline.

Note: if you did not receive an SMS as a result of your SIM being misplaced, kindly check the notice board of the colleges you applied to, the lists would be pasted to help sort out students with such issues.

Kindly mark this site as your homepage as we will be updating you with the lists soon

[Update]: Colleges of Education 2022/2023 Admissions

Here is the Colleges of Education Admission Fees for the 2022/2023 Academic Year

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