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Grading System of the University of Cape Coast And How to Calculate Your CGPA

CGPA measures a student's overall academic performance throughout their studies.
CGPA measures a student's overall academic performance throughout their studies.

The University of Cape Coast, UCC has in place a grading system that aims to assess and evaluate the academic performance of its students.

This grading system is vital for students enrolled in the university or any college affiliated with it.

SEE ALSO: Colleges of Education Affiliated to University of Cape Coast (UCC)

It provides students with a clear understanding of their performance and aids in their academic progression.

The Grading System

The grading system applied by the University consists of letter grades, corresponding percentage marks, credit points, and descriptions of each grade.

This system helps students understand their performance based on their numerical scores, which are translated into specific grades.

The grade percentages, credit points, and descriptions are as follows:

Letter GradeMark%Credit PointsDescription
B+75-793.5Very good
D+55-591.5Barely satisfactory
D50-541.0Weak pass

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is an essential measure of a student’s overall academic performance throughout their entire course of study.

It provides an insight into how well a student has fared across all their courses.

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The CGPA is calculated by summing up all the grade points earned by a student in all their courses and dividing it by the total number of credit hours attempted.

Step-by-Step Guide to Calculate CGPA

To determine your CGPA, follow these steps:

  • Convert all your Grades to Points: Each letter grade is converted into its corresponding credit points.
  • Multiply Points by Credit Hours: Multiply the numerical points assigned to each grade by the number of credit hours for each course.
  • Add Point Totals: Sum up the point totals for all the courses taken, resulting in the “Total Points.”
  • Divide by Total Credit Hours: Divide the “Total Points” by the total number of credit hours attempted to obtain the “Cumulative GPA.”

For example, if a student receives an A (4.0) in a 3-credit course, the point total for that course would be 12.0 (4.0 x 3).

Suppose you have taken the following courses:

  • Course 1: A (4.0) x 3 credits = 12.0 points
  • Course 2: B (3.0) x 4 credits = 12.0 points
  • Course 3: C+ (2.3) x 3 credits = 6.9 points
  • Total Points = 30.9
  • Total Credit Hours = 10
  • Cumulative GPA = 30.9 / 10 = 3.09

Class Designation

Upon calculating their CGPA, students will be assigned a class designation based on their academic performance.

The class designations and the corresponding CGPA ranges are as follows:

Class DesignationCGPA
1st Class3.6-4.0
2nd Class (Upper Division)3.0-3.5
2nd Class (Lower Division)2.5-2.9
3rd Class2.0-2.4
Pass1.0 -1.9
Fail< 1.0

SEE ALSO: How to Calculate Your CGPA and UEW Requirements for Graduation

The class designation serves as a recognition of a student’s achievements and helps distinguish students based on their CGPA.

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