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How to Calculate Your CGPA and UEW Requirements for Graduation


The University of Education, Winneba Grading System Is a Structure where students are been graded according to their scores in the Semester Examinations scores.

Meaning of GPA And CGPA

GPA means Grade Point Average, which is defined as the number that represents the average value of an accumulated final grade obtained in a course during a semester.

The GPA is calculated at the end of every semester from the first year to the last year of the program.

SEE ALSO: UEW Implements New Course Registration Policy for Affiliated Colleges of Education

It ranges from 1.0 to 4.0, with the former being the lowest and the latter being the highest.

CGPA means Cumulative Grade Point Average, which is interpreted as the calculation of all Grade Points of all courses towards the final assessment of a student in awarding a degree.

That is, the CGPA is calculated to get the class of the student.

READ ALSO: UEW Policy on Students With CGPA Of 1.0 or Below

It also ranges from 1.0 to 4.0, with the former being the lowest and the latter being the highest.

The class that one gets at the end of the program is determined by the GPA and the CGPA one accumulates.

University of Education, Winneba Grading System

The grading system refers to the grade, grade point, and description of marks obtained by the student.

Students’ Performance in a course is graded as follows:

MarksGradesGrade PointsDescriptions
80 -100A4.0Excellent
75-79B+3.5Very Good
55-59D+1.5Barely Satisfactory
The Grading System

How To Calculate Your CGPA

The CGPA is for the total Semesters a student has taken examination at the University.

And the student’s cumulative grade point average is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points obtained, up to any specified time, by the total number of credits for all courses for which the student has registered up to that time.

That is, CGPA = Total GPT (Grade Point Total)of all courses taken / Total Number of Credits of all courses taken.

CGPA Formulae

UEW Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

  1. Distinction CGPA of 3.6 – 4.0
  2. Credit CGPA of 2.5 – 3.59
  3. Pass CGPA of 1.0 – 2.49
  4. Fail CGPA of less than -1.0

Classification of Awards

The classification of awards for the B.Ed program is as follows:

  1. First Class CGPA of 3.6 – 4.00
  2. Second Class (Upper Division) CGPA of 3.0 – 3.59
  3. Second Class (Lower Division) CGPA of 2.5 – 2.99
  4. Third Class CGPA of 2.0– 2.49
  5. Pass CGPA below 2.0

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UEW Requirements for Graduation

Candidates for a degree must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Pass all compulsory core courses – general, faculty, or departmental compulsory core courses;
  2. Meet Inter-faculty course requirements;
    Accumulate a minimum of 120 credits (Including Advanced Credits);
    Attain a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (C.G.P.A) of 1.0;
  3. Settle all financial obligations to the University;
  4. The student should be in good standing, not barred for disciplinary reasons.
  5. Time Limits for the Completion of Programmes

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Time Limits

The time limits for the completion programs are as follows:

  1. Four-year program: Minimum of 4 years, maximum 5 years;
  2. Three-year program: Minimum of 3 years, maximum 4 years;
  3. Two-year program: Minimum of 2 years, maximum of 3 years Student who is unable to complete a degree program within the time limit would be withdrawn by the University.

READ ALSO: Grading System of the University of Cape Coast And How to Calculate Your CGPA

The University reserves the right to make curricular changes (add and/or delete courses) and require the student to meet the new course requirements but as a rule, the student will be required to follow the curriculum in force at the time he/she was admitted to the University.

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