- Which of the following is not a language skill?
a. Listening,
b. speaking
c. Hearing,
d. writing - What is the first language skill?
a. Reading,
b. listening,
c. writing,
d. speaking - Which of the following is not a component of speaking?
a. Pronunciation,
b. grammar,
c. vocabulary
d. spelling - The way one produces words when one is speaking is called …………….
a. Pronunciation,
b. vocabulary,
c. grammar,
d. spelling - Making a deliberate effort to receive information from an oral source is called ………
a. listening
b. Reading,
c. hearing,
d. reception - Which of the following is not a view of listening?
a. Top-down view,
b. bottom-up view,
c. eclectic view,
d. down-top view - The act of sending a message orally is called …………………………………..
a. Listening,
b. speaking,
c. writing,
d. reading, - Which of the following is not a problem of using story telling? ………………………………
a. lack of fucus,
b. danger of simplifying the story,
c. fear of increasing the story,
d. misconnection, - Questions that encourage learners to provide extensive responses are called …………..
a. close ended questions,
b. open ended questions,
c. open beginning questions,
d. close beginning questions - The instructional strategy where the teacher demonstrates a new concept is called ..
a. Dialogue,
b. Conversation,
c. Role-play,
d. Modeling - All the following are procedures to teaching speaking lessons except ……………..
a. pre-speaking activities,
b. while speaking activities,
c. post listening activities
d. post speaking activities, - The ability to listen to and interpret a spoken language is called ……………………………
a. Listening strategy,
b. listening comprehension,
c. phonemic awareness,
d. phonemic strategy - Which of the following is not part of the format for listening lesson? ………………………
a. final listening activities
b. pre-listening activities,
c. while listening activities,
d. post listening activities - Any collection of materials that a teacher uses to teach speaking and listening is called ….
a. Reading and writing materials,
b. speaking and listening materials,
c. writing and reading materials
d. teaching and learning materials, - The following are characteristics of Teaching Learning Resources except …………………..
a. minimize verbalism,
b. motivate learners,
c. be accurate,
d. be indigenous - Which one of the following is not a type of Teaching Learning Resource? ……………..
a. audio,
b. sensual
c. visual,
d. audio-visual, - Spontaneous event meant to recognize achievement is called ………………………………….
a. anniversary,
b. celebration,
c. recognition,
d. appreciation - Combination of bottom-up and top-down views is called ……………………………
a. spontaneous view,
b. critical view,
c. Eclectic view
d. combined view - The student’s ability to transmit ideas is known as ………………..
a. communication,
b. intelligence,
c. fluency,
d. competence - Components of speaking includes all the following apart from …………..
a. hearing
b. pronunciation,
c. fluency,
d. comprehension
Answer question one (compulsory) and select any other question.
- Prepare a thirty minutes (30 mins) Integrated Speaking and Listening lesson plan on the topic: The National Pledge:
I promise on my honour
To be faithful and loyal to Ghana my motherland.
I pledge myself to the service of Ghana.
With all my strength and with all my heart.
I promise to hold in high esteem
Our heritage won for us
Through the blood and toil of our fathers
And I pledge myself in all things
To uphold and defend the good name of Ghana.
So help me God.
- a) What are Teaching Learning Resources/Materials?
b) State and explain any four characteristics of Teaching Learning Resources/Materials.
c) Enumerate and explain any four challenges of using technology to produce Teaching and Learning Resources/Materials for teaching speaking listening. - a) What is Assessment in language learning?
b) List and explain the three (3) forms of Assessment.
- Any 6 rubrics – 2 marks
Phase 1 (Introduction) – 2 marks
Phase 2 (Lesson Development) – 4 marks
Phase 3 (Reflection) – 2 marks
Total = 10marks - a) Teaching Learning Resources/Materials are any collections of materials, including animals, objects, humans, non-human resources, that a teacher may use in the teaching and learning situations to help achieve desired learning goals. 2 marks.
b) The Teaching Learning Resources/Materials should
o be relevant
o be accurate (up-to-date)
o be useful and purposeful
o be real
o be easily portable
o be simple and cheap
o be comprehensible etc.
Any four (4), well discussed = 1 × 4 = 4 marks
o Lack of technical know-how
o Inadequate equipment
o high cost
o Inadequate professional development for teachers on the use of technology and how to integrate technology in their teaching.
o Poor accessibility of the internet
o keeping students safe online etc.
Any well explained four points = 1 × 4 = 4marks
- a) Assessment in language learning refers to a variety of ways of collecting information on a learner’s language ability. 2 ½ marks.
b) Assessment As Learning is a form of assessment in which the learner reflects on the expectations of his/her learning.
The information that the learner provides the teacher forms the basis for refining teaching and learning. This form of assessment emanated from Formative Assessment.
Assessment For Learning is a form of assessment which is used to monitor Learners’ progress and achievement. This occurs throughout the learning process by which the teacher seeks and interprets evidence, which serves as timely feedback to refine his/her teaching strategies and improve Learners’ performance. This form of assessment is Formative Assessment.
Assessment of Learning is Summative Assessment. It is used to describe the level learners have attained in their learning, what they know and can do over a period. This evaluates the learners’ cumulative progress and achievement.
Mention = 1 × 3 = 3 marks
Explanation = 1 ½ = 4 ½ marks
Total = 2 ½ + 3 + 4 ½ = 10 marks
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