The Shama District Health Directorate has held a training workshop for Vaccinators and Volunteers in the district ahead of the Polio Outbreak response vaccination days.
The training took place at the Shama Zion Pentecost Church auditorium on 30th August 2022, as part of the series of vaccination campaigns the district is embarking on against the spread of the polio virus in children under five years in the district.
The first phase of the vaccination termed ‘round one’ is scheduled to commence from September 1 to 4th, this would ensure that children in the district who are eligible are vaccinated against polio.
In her presentation, The District Director of Health Services, Madam Judith Naa Deide Okine elucidated the polio outbreak response vaccination comes after the health sector confirmed two events of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) in July and August this year.

Adding that, the two samples tested positive for the cVDPV2 from the environmental surveillance, one from Koblimagu in Tamale Metropolis (Northern Region) and the other from Agbogbloshie in Accra Metropolis (Greater Accra Region), making it very urgent for children to be immunized against the virus.
Madam Judith Naa Deide Okine admonished the health workers and the volunteers to move from house to house, markets, lorry stations, churches, and mosques to vaccinate all eligible children under 5 years, leaving no child within the stipulated age range behind.
“We want to make sure that every child in this district is protected, We do not want to see children paralyzed from polio in the next few years. If the population is freely immunized, we will all be protected against all forms of poliovirus” Mrs. Okine affirmed.
The District Expanded Program on Immunization Coordinator, Mr. Cosmos Emmanuel Asare Baffour enlightened the participants on the safety of the vaccine.
He further encouraged the participants to ascertain all parents and caregivers that the vaccine is safe and effective to prevent type2 polio, and as well protect their children from the disabling and potentially deadly disease.

He also cautioned the participants to ensure the vaccines are well kept and are within the rightful temperature before utilizing.
He concluded by instructing the vaccinators to ensure all children under 5 years of age within their designated centers are vaccinated during the exercise
In regards to the Guidelines overseeing the Vaccination, The District Public Health Nurse, Madam Vera Jackson Etuah asserted the polio vaccine is safe, free, and given as drops in the mouth. Adding that, the doses given during this campaign are additional doses every child under five years should receive to prevent polio, even if the child has been vaccinated previously.
Vera again educated the participants on the rightful house marking about this campaign.

“Make sure to mark the building after vaccination., Circle your ‘R’ if you are through with all the children in that house, leave it without a circle if you will go for a revisit. Do not just mark anyhow, ensure your markings compiles to the education we are given you.” Madam Vera Jackson Etuah expressed.
The District Disease Control Officer, Mr. Francis Cudjoe educated the participants on the need to report advent events following the immunization. Stating that, there should be that rapport between participants and their supervisors regarding every activity that transpires on the field.

He also educated the participants on how to effectively utilize the vaccination tally sheet to keep their records.
Mr. Francis Cudjoe also urged the participants to ensure they clean their hands before and after vaccinating each child, stating the teams will be provided with facemasks and alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
In her submission, the District Health Promotion Officer, Madam Abiba Abdul Rashid applauded the social mobilizers and other stakeholders for the awareness created in the previous campaign within the district. However, she admonished the participants that more is expected from them ahead of the vaccination.
She further opined that the poliovirus causes paralysis and sometimes death, hence the need for the exercise.
Madam Abiba asserted that the social mobilizers and the media had already been sensitized to the key messages to spread to the community.

Stating that, the key messages share include;
- Do you have a child under 5 years? Then don’t miss the visit of vaccination teams to your house from 1st-4th September 2022
- Poliovirus causes paralysis and sometimes death.
- Polio vaccine is safe, effective, and free
- Multiple doses of polio vaccine increase as protection of your child
- Doses given during this campaign are additional doses every child under five years should receive to prevent polio, even if s/he has been given polio vaccine previously
- Continue to attend weighing regularly after this campaign
- Remember! the date for the first round polio campaign is 1st-4th September 2022 for all children under 5 years.
She continued by stressing the strategies to use in the campaign; such as the house-to-house, fixed teams at the health facilities, the campout, churches, schools, marketplaces, etc.
“Information will also be shared through the Community Information Centers, the use of the mobile vans, megaphones at the market centers, and the media”, she expressed
Madam Abiba Abdul Rashid took turns and answered questions from participants, and systematically addressed their concerns raised.
For efficient work output, Mr. Micheal Inkoom, the District Health Information Officer assisted the participants to draw their maps as to how they will go about the vaccination in their designated communities. Adding it will help their various supervisors to track and know their whereabouts at any given time in the course of their work.