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Home Education Colleges of Education

Will First-Year Teacher Trainees Receive Allowances? – CHECK HERE


Coleman Publications has received several inquiries from first-year trainees across the various colleges of education, questioning whether they will receive allowances for the 2024/2025 academic year or not.

We would like to use this article to answer that question and provide the necessary clarification, to the best of our knowledge.

Firstly, it should be noted that the government allocation for trainee allowances in the 2025 budget, read in March, covers all levels from level 100 through to 400, and also those who recently completed their studies, as they are owed for the 2023/2024 academic year.

Therefore, it should be noted that first-year teacher trainees across the various public colleges of education will be paid their allowance for the 2024/2025 academic year.

READ ALSO: Budget 2025: Teacher and Nursing Trainee Allowances Secured, No-Fee Policy Expanded -Check Details

However, they may not be included in the first disbursement, which will be made soon, because their data and details have yet to be sent to the SLTF by their various coordinators for allowance processing.

According to information available to us, this planned disbursement (with no specific timeline provided) will primarily cover arrears for the 2023/2024 academic year for continuing students (as well as those who completed their studies recently).

It should be noted that the SLTF has already ordered the allowance liaison officers to compile data on their first-year students and continuing students who haven’t received any allowance for previous years, for onward submission.

READ ALSO: Top 10 Tips to Become a First-Class Student – Check Here

First-year and the affected continuing students are encouraged to cooperate with their allowance coordinators to ensure their information is submitted to the SLTF promptly.

Coleman Publications will continue to monitor the situation and report any further developments. Therefore, keep following us and bookmark our website for prompt updates.

SEE ALSO: TTAG President Addresses NSS, Allowances, and Trainee Concerns – Check Here

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