We can’t trust WASSCE result for College of Education entry – NTC


The National Teaching Council (NTC) says it cannot solely rely on WASSCE results to offer West African Senior School Certificate Examination graduates admission to pursue various teacher education courses in Colleges of Education

The Registrar of NTC, Christian Addai Poku speaking at the 12 Congregation of Atebubu College of Education said it is for this reason his outfit is introducing an entrance examination to be conducted for College of Education applicants.

The entrance examination dubbed the Ghana Basic Education Skills Examination Test (GBEST), the Executive Director of the Teaching Council said will ensure WASSCE graduates entering the Colleges of Education (CoE) are fully qualified.

SEE ALSO: Will there be An Entrance Examination for College Of Education Applicants?

“The GBEST will, thus, be used as the entry assessment for the trainee teachers, and after completion, the students will be made to write a level and subject-based licensure examination to be qualified as professional teachers,” he noted.

The College entrance examination according to him forms part of reforms being proposed by NTC to harmonize teacher education admissions in the country and also improve teacher education as part of the educational reforms.

The Registrar of the National Teaching Council further said the reforms are to ensure that WASSCE graduates who applied to be trained as government teachers have the required qualifications and disposition to become teachers.

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His comment comes after the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) in a statement said NTC as a Regulator and not Implementer has no right to conduct the entrance exams for prospective students.

“NTC once again is attempting to craft a policy and arbitrarily foist it on the education enterprise. the NTC should cease being a Regulator and Implementer; it does not have the mandate to be so,” the teacher union said in the statement.

The National Association in the press release dated February 8, 2022, said it is “tired and wearied with this idea of throwing out policies and programmes into the educational milieu without consultations with bodies which matter.”

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“We wish to reiterate, that we are not against reforms to education; we stand for the best for education in the country; however, we won’t stand for policies, programmes and pronouncements off-the-cuff,” the Teacher Association noted.

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