Update on Disbursement of Allowance for Students in Public Colleges of Education


Students in the 46 public Colleges of Education in Ghana have been eagerly anticipating the disbursement of their allowance.

However, there has been confusion surrounding the disbursement of the allowance after some students claimed that the information provided by the immediate Past TTAG President, Hon. Jonathan Dzunu, was incorrect and that no disbursement would be made.

To provide clarity on the matter, our team conducted thorough checks and can confirm that teacher trainees will indeed be paid their allowance as all the necessary processes for the disbursement have been completed.

The disbursement of the allowance is an essential part of supporting students in their academic pursuits, as it helps to offset some of the financial burden associated with their education.

[Just In]: Update About The Payment of Teacher Trainees’ Allowance

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We understand the anxiety and frustration that the delay in disbursement is causing among teacher trainees. Per our checks, we would like to assure trainees that the payment will be made soon.

Therefore, we urge teacher trainees to remain calm and patient as they wait for the alert on their phones from SLTF.

It is important to note that the disbursement of the allowance is a collaborative effort between the government and other various institutions, and it is done to support teacher trainees in their academic and personal development.

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