Teacher Unions Outraged by Delay in Release of March 2023 Promotion Results


In a letter addressed to the Ghana Education Service (GES), the teacher unions have voiced their utmost disappointment and unhappiness concerning the delay in releasing their promotion results for the March 2023 examinations by GES.

According to them, the agreement made with the GES stipulated that two promotion exams are to be administered annually, in March and August.

The March 2023 examinations was conducted several months ago, and yet, to their dismay, no official communication has been issued by the GES regarding the delay in releasing the results.

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Compounding the issue is the fact that they are already in the month of August 2023, where the second cohort of teachers is due to sit for their exams.

This delay according to the union has created a backlog that needs to be cleared. They however,stated that the second set of the promotion examinations should be conducted and the results released before December 31, 2023.

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Adding urgency to this matter, they call upon the GES to take immediate action to rectify the situation and ensure that teachers receive the recognition and rewards they deserve for their hard work and dedication.

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