Student of Berekum College of Education Wins 1.8 Billion on Bet


The boys’ hostel of Berekum College of Education was thrown into ‘chaos’ when news broke that one of the students had won a staggering bet worth 180,000 cedis.

Jubilation filled the air as a video capturing the exhilarating scene went viral on social media.

In the video, excited students can be seen jumping and screaming in jubilation, with powder being tossed on one lucky student as a gesture of celebration.

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The details of the game and the amount the student staked to win this massive sum of money have not been disclosed.

The celebration video, which has been making rounds on social media platforms, has generated mixed reactions from netizens.

While some have taken to congratulating the fortunate young man, others have expressed surprise and disbelief at such a huge betting win.

It remains unclear how the student managed to secure such a colossal sum of money, leaving many intrigued and curious about the game and his strategy.

CHECK: Ghana Implements 10% Tax on Betting and Lottery Winnings Starting August 15

The news of this remarkable win has undoubtedly created a buzz among the students and staff of Berekum College of Education, making it a topic of discussion and speculation.

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