Student Loan Trust Fund Completes Auditing Process, Disbursement To Follow Soon


According to recent reports reaching our news desk, the Student Loan Trust Fund has completed its auditing process of students in Ghana’s 46 public colleges of education.

This is a significant milestone for both the trust fund and the students who have been eagerly anticipating their arrears for the 2021/2022 academic year.

The auditing process, which began a few weeks ago, was necessary to ensure that all students’ names in the database for the student loan allowance were eligible and had met the requirements. The various liaison officers in the different colleges of education were responsible for providing the needed details, and they have now completed their tasks.

With everything in place, the disbursement of two months arrears for the 2021/2022 academic year can be made at any moment to all the trainees in the 46 public colleges of education.

This is great news for the students who have been experiencing financial difficulties and have been looking forward to receiving their allowances.

Read Also: Mahama’s Education Policy: Will Trainees’ Allowances Be Scrapped?

It is worth noting that the allowance is an essential financial assistance program that helps to cater to the needs of students in the colleges of education. It helps provides them with the necessary funds to pay for some academic expenses. Therefore, the completion of the auditing process and the imminent disbursement of the allowances will go a long way in easing the financial burden on the students.

it is important to stay updated on all the necessary information regarding the allowances and the colleges of education. To this end, we encourage everyone to keep visiting this website or join our WhatsApp page to get the latest updates on the disbursement of the allowances and other related information.

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