NSS PINCODE: Some Colleges of Education yet to submit Students Details

Failure to do so may have implications on the timely receipt of the NSS Monthly Allowance.
Failure to do so may have implications on the timely receipt of the NSS Monthly Allowance.

Information reaching our news desk reveals that some colleges of education are yet to submit the necessary details of their students to the National Service Scheme (NSS) Secretariate for the creation of their PINCODES.

The allegations that have surfaced indicated that students at Akatsi and Wiawso Colleges of Education have yet to receive their PIN codes.

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They claim that upon checking, it was discovered that the colleges’ management has not forwarded their information to the NSS.

Reportedly, the colleges’ authorities have cited an inability to submit the details themselves, emphasizing that this responsibility falls on their affiliated institution, UEW.

SEE ALSO: How To Activate Your NSS PINCODE Using MTN MoMo

Nonetheless, they have assured the students that efforts are underway to rectify the situation.

With the deadline for NSS online registration set for February 28, 2024, concerns linger over whether these students’ details will be submitted in time.

SEE ALSO: Step-by-Step Guide to Checking Your NSS PIN Code and Registration Process

Furthermore, students from other colleges have raised grievances about incorrect details being sent to the NSS, resulting in difficulties accessing their PIN codes.

Although Steps are being taken to address these discrepancies, the delays have undoubtedly caused frustration among the affected students.

SEE ALSO: National Service Scheme (NSS) Posting and Placement Criteria

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