Manifesto Delivered By Moses Coleman as an Aspirant for the Office of Public Relations Officer(PRO) On 19th July 2021 at Komenda College Complex Hall

When information is delayed, action is delayed.
When you have information, you have power
Information is more powerful and expensive than cocaine
Don't trust words, trust actions

Hello colleagues

Mr. Chairman, Moses Coleman is my name, a level 200 student reading Bachelor of Education (Primary Education.

I love impacting the lives of people positively wherever I find myself. My hobbies include reading, writing, listening to music, teaching, playing football and above all, working on computers.

I am vying for the office of Public Relations Officer (P.R.O) and I need your support.


I strongly believe that, the world has become a global village as such development has now been dependent on how best you can market yourself as an institution for the betterment and advancement of visions and ideologies.

Friends, in such a situation, it takes a highly committed personality with good communication effectiveness to link up for opportunities for institutional development.

It is for this reason that today, I present myself to you as the most suitable candidate for your support to enable me to link our noble institution to other institutions for a partnership that will bring the much-needed development our institution currently needs.

We need to link our college up to other institutions for opportunities and I want to promise you that.

Where there is no effective communication, people always live with negative assumptions and inaccurate thoughts which can seriously harm such an institution.


For some time now in this college, I have proven my worth by standing in the gap for the flow and dissemination of information from Management to the student body.

I have relayed information which has brought peace, stability and academic progression in the lives of the student body and the management as well. No wonder in the process I was given the title” information minister

Building a good reputation for this Great institution has been my sole aim. As the Holy Scripture affirms in Jeremiah 29:7NIV” But seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper” This has been my encouragement on which I draw my inspiration.

Coleman is humbly here not to make vain promises but help you recall some of things he has already started which should prick your heart for you to vote for him.

As a way of building good reputation for the school and bridging the gap between the school and the general public, I through the inspiration of Mr. Osei Kojo Agyemang and Mr. Daniel Paa korsah formed the Script writers Association which aimed at writing and publishing of articles on the newly launched college website.

I know the majority of us have visited the site and you have graciously read them. This is what we want to bring on board, to accelerate the plans for the development of our college.

Not only that, but as one of the Seven administrators of the College Facebook page which hosts a 7k audience, I have taken it upon myself to effectively push the “Assai Hill News “because I have seen it is one of the vantage platforms to push the school to the public domain.

My fellow level 200’s and majority of lecturers will testify of my immense contribution during the COVID-SEASON Where teaching and learning went VIRTUAL.

Coleman had sleepless nights all because he had to be a Voice to a brother who was finding it difficult to surf the Learning Management System.

As a way of reducing this burden and making it stress-free for my younger brother and sisters who will be enrolled on the LMS very soon, coleman has written a GUIDE which will help them. If you don’t want this person then who else do you want?


I Humbly believe that I have the requisite skills and ability to function effectively as PRO if elected.

I believe I have all that it takes to lead students and also to link up students to other institutions to exploit for benefits that allow for development.

As part of my leadership training, I have acquired effective public relations skills that I think will help me deliver to you good fortunes that will position our cherished institution for greater development.


Partner with all class representatives and school officers in tackling challenges that affect the academic interests and welfare of students through communicating to the rightful authorities.

Consistently and relentlessly represent the views and interests of all students especially as it concerns their education and welfare before the school management members.

Create awareness and encourage students to take advantages of numerous students support services available on campus such as the counselling and wellbeing center, the chaplaincy and many others to advance the course of their development on campus.

Build a good relationship between the students and the general public through writing and publishing of articles through the ASSAI HILL NEWS

Lastly, to train up people who will rise up to become effective public speakers in future.

According to Harvey Firestone, “the growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership. Your growth and development as a student is dependent on your education and welfare. I am determined to promote your growth and development as a student by ensuring that issues relating to your academic interests and welfare are dealt with timeously, effectively and efficiently through positive communication.

Please vote Moses Coleman for PRO

As always, please accept the assurances of my highest regards and consideration.

Looking forward to serving you and this great institution


Best Regards
Moses Coleman

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Emmanuel Andoh
Emmanuel Andoh
2 years ago

If I am to rate you l,I will add additional 1percent to the 100percent already given,all the best and I know this will continue after office