Entire batch of students at Wiawso College of Education allegedly asked to resit paper


Allegations have surfaced claiming that the management of Wiawso College of Education has instructed an entire class of trainees to retake a paper, sparking frustration and discontent among the concerned students.

The root of the issue dates back to the students’ initial enrollment at the college, where persistent errors and inconsistencies have plagued the transmission of end-of-semester results from the University of Education, Winneba (UEW) to the college.

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The allegations suggest that these anomalies have been a recurring problem at the college that the college administration has been reluctant to address.

The situation reached a critical point during the previous semester, with students encountering issues such as missing or incomplete Continuous Assessment (C.A.) marks in their results from their affiliated University when their results are released.

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The problems escalated further in the second semester last year, particularly in the Primary Education class, where a staggering 85 out of 153 students reportedly failed the Theories of Mathematics exam due to errors in their C.A. scores when the results were released.

According to the allegation, concerns were raised by the lecturer responsible for the affected course, who asserted that he had submitted the correct C.A. marks and expressed bewilderment at the discrepancies in the results.

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The allegation fruther reveals that the college administration’s response has been firm, stating that they are unable to rectify the situation and insisting that the entire student involved retake the paper.

Adding to the students’ frustration is the fact that essential course grades, such as Literacy and Twi, remain undisclosed, further complicating the academic ordeal as they have also been asked to resit these papers.

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The affected students are urging their college management to thoroughly investigate the matter and rectify the discrepancies in their results, expressing their reluctance to retake exams for subjects in which they believe they have performed adequately.

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