Colleges of Education Resume Academic Activities Following CETAG Strike

The memorandum provided a breakdown of the calculation, including the number of days for the semester, the feeding grant rate per day (GHC7.50), and the total amount due for refund.
The memorandum provided a breakdown of the calculation, including the number of days for the semester, the feeding grant rate per day (GHC7.50), and the total amount due for refund.

After enduring a nearly two-month long industrial action by the Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG), academic activities have officially resumed in the 46 public colleges of education in the country.

Trainees are expected to return to their classrooms as lecturers are back on duty.

According to information obtained by Coleman Publications, the academic calendar has been extended to make up for the lost periods caused by the strike.

SEE ALSO: We shall resume our strike in October if the Employer fails to follow the roadmap – CETAG

The Conference of Principals of Colleges of Education, Ghana (PRINCO) and the affiliated Universities will soon release an updated calendar outlining the revised schedule.

However, students are expected to be present in school as academic activities have already begun.

On the topic of student allowances, the Minister of Education has given assurance that funds have been secured for payment.

However, the exact date for the disbursement of these allowances has yet to be disclosed.

SEE ALSO: Funds have been approved for the payment of Teacher Trainees’ allowances – TTAG

As a result, trainees are eagerly waiting, keeping their fingers crossed, as they anticipate the timely payment of their allowances once their academic work has resumed.

SEE ALSO: Trainee Allowance: Updates and What to Expect

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